Staff | Antonine University




Congratulations on your acceptance, and welcome to Antonine University (UA)! We are thrilled to have you on board as a new member of our team.
This section is designed to provide you with an overview of the first steps, processes, and procedures that you need to consider as you transition into your new role as a UA staff member.

It is essential to read the following information carefully and complete the necessary actions in a timely manner to avoid any potential complications with upcoming steps, such as payroll and document clearance.

Intro to Onboarding

The role of Human Resources (HR) in the hiring process extends far beyond simply filling an open position. While recruitment and selection are critical components, the process does not end once a candidate is hired. Rather, it is a continuous process that encompasses various stages, including onboarding and ongoing support. By prioritizing effective onboarding and ongoing support, HR can help set employees up for success, ultimately benefiting the entire organization.

Our Onboarding Process

The onboarding phase is a critical process that ensures a smooth transition of new employees into an organization. It comprises several steps, each designed to facilitate the integration of new hires into the University and work environment.


Required Documents

There are several documents that are crucial for preparing your contract, arranging financial-related declaration, and calculating different payroll fees, which must be submitted to the OHR throughout your onboarding process. It is essential to submit all these documents as soon as possible during your first week. You can either scan and upload them via this dedicated link or deliver them in person to the OHR.

Please note that the highest earned degree or diploma must be authenticated by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE)* and delivered as an original hard copy to the OHR. This process can take some time, so we recommend starting the authentication process as soon as possible to avoid any delays in your onboarding.

  • Copy of the ID card or copy of the personal register (صورة عن إخراج القيد الفردي)
  • Passport photo
  • Highest earned degree/diploma (authenticated from the MEHE*)
  • Family register (إخراج قيد عائلي)
  • Residence certificate (إفادة سكن)
  • Legal register issued in less than 3 months (سجلّ عدلي)
  • R4 form**
  • Bank account in Lebanese Pound in one of the 3 banks: Bank of Beirut, Byblos Bank***, or Bank Audi

Note: If you do not own a bank account at any of the above-listed banks, please inform the OHR so they can facilitate the account opening process.

*All degrees/diplomas earned from the Lebanese University (LU) and UA do not require authentication by the MEHE.

**Please only fill in the following sections of the R4 form:

  • تعريف
  • عنوان السكن
  • Your signature at the bottom of pages 1 and 2

***All new staff members working at Nabi Ayla–Zahle and Mejdlaya–Zgharta Campuses are required to open a bank account exclusively at Byblos Bank.

All new staff members must read the Staff Statute.

Steps to Upload the Documents

1. Click the upload link.
2. Insert your username and password (sent previously by mail).
3. Upload each scanned document to the spec

UA Email Address

All official communication, including information, circulars, memoranda, and documents, will be sent to your UA email address throughout your appointment at the University.

To activate your account, use the credentials (username and password) provided by the OHR. These credentials also grant you access to the campus network and University systems, such as UA Wi-Fi, Microsoft Teams, and Moodle.

It is essential to regularly check your UA email address to stay up-to-date with important information and announcements from the University. We recommend setting up your account on your mobile device or computer to ensure that you receive all messages in a timely manner.

For any assistance or additional inquiry, do not hesitate to contact the OHR from Monday to Friday between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM via or +961 5 927000 ext. 1130 - 1241 – 1242.

Tips for Effective Onboarding

Effective onboarding is essential in helping new employees integrate into the organization, understand their roles and responsibilities, and start contributing to the company’s success. At UA, we have a comprehensive onboarding process that aims to support new candidates every step of the way. However, it is essential to understand that even with this support, successfully navigating through the process can still be challenging.
We aim to provide tips that can help new candidates successfully pass through all the steps needed to reach the right position within the organization. By following these tips, new employees can ensure a smooth transition into their new role and set themselves up for long-term success.

Tips for the First Period of Employment:

Arriving Early

Arriving early will allow you to familiarize yourself with the environment and find your way around, reducing any potential stress or anxiety you may experience on your first day. Additionally, arriving early will give you some time to settle in, collect any necessary materials, and prepare for your day ahead. This extra time can also help you build a positive impression with your supervisor and colleagues, as it demonstrates that you are punctual, reliable, and enthusiastic about your new job.

Bringing Requested Documents

On your initial day at a new job, it is crucial to demonstrate your professionalism by ensuring that you have provided all the necessary documents that were requested during the recruitment process. This highlights your attentiveness and responsibility as an employee who is committed to meeting the expectations of the company. It is recommended to carefully review the list of documents requested by UA, such as identification documents, diplomas, certifications, and any other relevant paperwork. By being prepared and organized with your documents, you can establish a positive impression and foster a sense of reliability, which can contribute to your success in the new role.

Being Positive and Friendly

Creating positive relationships with your colleagues is a critical component of a successful first day at work. To achieve this, it is essential to be friendly, open, and approachable. Take the initiative to introduce yourself to your colleagues and try to get to know them. Start by smiling, maintaining eye contact, and offering a friendly greeting. Ask questions and show an interest in what they have to say. This will help you build rapport, establish trust, and foster a sense of camaraderie with your colleagues.

Embracing the Onboarding Process

It is also important to remember that onboarding is a two-way street. While the University is responsible for providing you with the necessary information and resources, it is up to you to actively engage in the process and take ownership of your learning. This means being proactive in seeking out information, taking notes, and asking questions when you need clarification.

Being a Keen Learner, “a Sponge”

Take in as much knowledge as you can about your job responsibilities, the University’s culture, and your colleagues. You can achieve this by actively listening, observing, and seeking out information from others. This will help you gain a deep understanding of your role within UA and enable you to contribute effectively to your team. Take the time to listen, observe, and learn.

Taking Initiative

Demonstrating initiative in the workplace can be an effective way to showcase your enthusiasm for your job and your desire to learn and grow within your role. Taking initiative involves proactively identifying areas where you can make a positive impact and actively seeking out opportunities to contribute to the success of your team or organization. By doing so, you demonstrate a strong work ethic and a willingness to take on additional responsibilities beyond the scope of your job description. This can help to build trust with your colleagues and superiors, and potentially lead to greater opportunities for career advancement. Moreover, taking the initiative shows that you are not content with simply meeting expectations, but instead strive to exceed them by constantly seeking ways to improve and add value to your work.

Avoiding Gossip

When starting a new job, it is important to be mindful of the conversations you engage in with your colleagues and to avoid engaging in gossip. Gossiping can harm the workplace culture and create an unprofessional atmosphere that can negatively impact productivity and employee morale. Moreover, it can damage your professional reputation and undermine your credibility with your colleagues and superiors. Instead, focus on building positive and constructive relationships with your coworkers by engaging in productive and respectful conversations that align with the values of the company. This will demonstrate your commitment to creating a positive work environment and can help you establish a strong professional reputation as a reliable and trustworthy team member.

Showing Dedication and Commitment

To make a new job a new achievement, new employees need to be aware of the achievements that are expected of them during their probation period. This will ensure that every action taken by the employee is well thought out and executed to the best of their abilities, setting them up for success in their new role. Setting goals is a crucial part of this process, as it helps to provide clarity and direction for the employee. By setting clear and measurable goals, employees can focus their efforts on achieving these goals and exceeding expectations to proceed beyond the probation period. It is also important to have the will to achieve all tasks needed and more, as this shows dedication and commitment to excellence. By being proactive and taking ownership of their learning, new employees can distinguish themselves as successful and valuable members of the team.

Being Honest

Honesty is a crucial component of professionalism and personal integrity. Employees need to be honest in all situations, including when things don’t go according to plan or when something is unclear. By being honest, employees can build trust with their colleagues, managers, and clients, which can lead to better working relationships and increased productivity.

Enhancing Communication Skills

Effective communication skills are essential for success in the workplace, as they can prevent misunderstandings, conflicts, and mistakes, leading to saved time, money, and resources. Clear and open communication can improve employee engagement and job satisfaction by making employees feel heard and valued. As UA members, it is important to remember that every interaction we have with colleagues, students, instructors, and parents reflects the image of the University. Therefore, it is important to approach these interactions with professionalism, respect, and empathy, even in the most challenging situations. By working on our communication skills, we can become better ambassadors for Antonine University and enhance our reputation as a leading academic institution. This includes actively seeking out feedback, attending training sessions and workshops, and practicing good communication habits periodically.

Taking Breaks

It is important to take breaks throughout the day to allow yourself time to rest and recharge. This means taking short breaks to step away from your work and give your mind and body a chance to relax. This can help improve your focus and productivity and reduce stress and fatigue. So, make sure to schedule breaks in your day and take advantage of them when you need them.