L’éthique au cœur du soin en oncologie - Université Antonine (UA)

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  • L’éthique au cœur du soin en oncologie

    04 May 2019

    On May 4, 2019, the Department of Nursing Sciences, Mejdlaya section, launched its first scientific day on the very sensitive topic of oncology ethical issues, entitled: “L’éthique au cœur du soin en oncologie.”

    During this conference day, a panel of speakers highlighted the need to provide the health professional community with conceptual and practical ethical tools to help them in their daily practice with cancer patients, i.e., how to enhance their communication skills or how to deal with cultural, existential or religious questioning and issues.

    Among the large audience present on that day were many graduated nurses, students, and teachers, but also some prominent figures of the region, such as H.E. Mgr. Joseph Naffah, the Maronite Patriarchal Vicar of the District of Zgharta and Bcharre.

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