Was your learning experience this semester up to your expectations? - Université Antonine (UA)

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  • Was your learning experience this semester up to your expectations?

    18 December 2018
    Was your learning experience this semester up to your expectations?

    Was your learning experience this semester up to your expectations?

    UA would like to know!
    Where? On Moodle: ecourses.ua.edu.lb 
    When? Before January 5th 2019


    - Access the Moodle platform on the following link: ecourses.ua.edu.lb
    - Fill in the credentials:

    • Username: ID
    • Password: The first 2 letters in uppercase of the first name + the first 2 letters in uppercase of the last name + the last 4 digits of the ID

    - Choose the courses module to evaluate
    - Click on the link “ Evaluation Fall 2018-2019” 
    - Fill out the questionnaire and click on "Submission"

    For your Moodle account credentials (ID and Password) please do not hesitate to contact IT department on ithelpdesk@ua.edu.lb

    Thank you for your collaboration!