New You! How to Recreate Your Spirituality – جدِّد نفسك ونمِّ روحانيَّتك - Université Antonine (UA)

  • New You! How to Recreate Your Spirituality – جدِّد نفسك ونمِّ روحانيَّتك

    09 décembre 2020
    New You! How to Recreate Your Spirituality – جدِّد نفسك ونمِّ روحانيَّتك
    Improve your spiritual health to boost your well-being!

    You are probably wondering what the role of spirituality is in your daily life and what it adds to it. As researches show, spirituality has become a fundamental part of mental health. By looking for deeper meanings in life, connecting with your spiritual side, and finding your inner peace through spirituality, you will regain hope, feel grateful, have a purpose in life, and develop better connections with yourself, with others, and with God.

    During this time of extraordinary disruption and anxiety, you are possibly drifting away from connecting with your spiritual side. At Antonine University (UA), we found the perfect way for you to optimize your well-being and maintain your mental health through our new series of webinars, How to Enhance Your Spiritual Health? – كيف أغذِّي حياتي الروحيَّة؟.

    The first session of this online series of webinars is entitled New You! How to Recreate Your Spirituality? – جدِّد نفسك ونمِّ روحانيَّتك and will be given by the UA Chaplain Fr. Charbel Bou Abboud.

    Audience: UA students, faculty, and staff
    Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2020
    Time: 2:30 PM
    Location: Virtual via Microsoft Teams

    Spirituality drives well-being, but more importantly, it inspires you to search for deeper meanings in life. Register now for this session that will help you reconnect with your inner self, and for more information, reach us by calling the +961 5 927 000 ext. 1018 or by sending an email to
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