A Typical Day in the Life of a University Student | Antonine University

  • A Typical Day in the Life of a University Student

    28 March 2019

    Every year, Antonine University enjoys the hustle and bustle of Lebanese high school students discovering its campuses. Once again, the open doors days were a great success!

    On March 28 and 29, about 4200 young students coming from one hundred schools of the Beirut area set foot on the campus of Hadat-Baabda. For one full day, they put themselves in the shoes of university students and attended some of the planned courses. They also grabbed this opportunity to meet senior students, teachers, and staff members of the Office of Orientation and Admissions to ask all of their career-related questions.

    The Mejdlaya-Zgharta campus, for its part, welcomed, on April 4, around 650 students. As for the Nabi Ayla-Zahle campus, it hosted over 1600 students from 31 schools on April 5, 2019.