The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs (VRAA) assists and represents the Rector in the government and development of the education sector at Antonine University (UA).
In accordance with the Organic Statute, the Rules and Regulations of Faculty Members, the Rules and Regulations of Academic Affairs, and academic policies, the responsibilities of the VRAA include:
- developing and updating academic policies, subject to approval by the Academic Committee;
- ensuring the implementation of these policies in collaboration with the deans;
- chairing the Curriculum Committee and overseeing the processes of curriculum development and review;
- coordinating the work of the Academic Committee, chaired by the Rector and in collaboration with the Secretary General;
- supervising the continuing education process for teaching and learning;
- supporting the teaching evaluation process;
- supporting the programs’ review process.
Related Offices
Vice Rectorate for Academic affairs
The Vice Rectorate for Academic Affairs consists of the VRAA and the UA Curriculum Committee. The Coordinator for Academic Affairs supports the VRAA in his administrative duties.
Academic Committee
The Rules and Regulations of Academic Affairs (Articles 8 and 9) establish the UA Academic Committee as a subsidiary body of the UA Council. It focuses on the teaching component and includes the Rector as the chairperson, the Secretary General, the VRAA, the deans, the heads of programmatic departments, and the Director of the Language Center. Therefore, the UA Council delegates the authority to the Academic Committee to decide on academic policies and reforms of the academic system and learning programs. In addition, the Academic Committee addresses various common and ongoing academic matters brought before it and convenes at least once a month for this purpose.
Curriculum Committee
In accordance with the Rules and Regulations of Academic Affairs (Article 10.5), the UA Curriculum Committee is comprised of the VRAA, who chairs the Committee, and the spokespeople for curriculum affairs in the faculties, appointed by their respective deans. The Committee provides advisory opinions on proposed new curricula, as well as periodic and/or exceptional revisions and updates to existing curricula. This evaluation is based on the submitted curriculum guidelines, with a focus on the structure and design of these projects. Once the report is favorable, the VRAA presents the project to the Academic Committee for final review and validation.