OMT Beirut Marathon 2022: UA Community Running for a Cause | Antonine University

  • OMT Beirut Marathon 2022: UA Community Running for a Cause

    15 November 2022

    On Sunday, November 13, 2022, a good number of Antonine University (UA) socially responsible faculty, staff, and students have chosen to run for a purpose and incorporate an altruistic dimension in the OMT Beirut Marathon. By taking part in the 5 KM run and dedicating this race to a cause particularly dear to their heart, the runners have succeeded in making every drop of their sweat count and found fulfillment in a deed that can benefit others, through wholeheartedly supporting the non-governmental organization Association Justice and Mercy (AJEM) worthy cause of protecting the prisoners against torture and other inhuman and degrading treatment, as well as preserving their rights to receive an adequate response to their needs.

    Moments of elation were mixed with cheerful smiles during this golden opportunity, as UA runners decided to tap into the power of transforming the less fortunate people’s lives, by wearing customized and printed T-shirts to express a genuine cry from the heart of the people behind the bars, let their voices be heard, and drop the highly stigmatized prison label. Furthermore, in order to draw attention to the marathon's cause through every single step, props were lifted to convey the unspeakable and feature what is hidden behind the walls: stories of how prisoners are often unjustly stripped of their hopes, rights, and dignity. Mr. Seif Al Walid Harb, a UA student at the Faculty of Sport Sciences (FSS), who was crowned Mr. Lebanon 2023, also participated in this truly worthwhile activity and rewarding experience, especially since his campaign was focused on helping the inmates behind bars look after their physical and mental health and cope with incarcerated-related stress.

    Moreover, it is worth mentioning that members of UA’s Office of Athletics were also engaged in the 10 KM race. In addition, the UA medical team, composed of physical therapy faculty and students from all UA campuses in Hadat–Baada, Nabi Ayla–Zahle, and Mejdlaya–Zgharta, were present at the finish line to receive injured runners during and after the races. This is how the UA community can inspire other supporters!