Our Students Make Us Proud, as They Excel Beyond Measure! | Antonine University

  • Our Students Make Us Proud, as They Excel Beyond Measure!

    02 December 2021

    Antonine University (UA) has set itself the objective of spreading the light of knowledge to illuminate the path of its students, help them find their purpose, navigate the academic hurdles and pursue their passion. It is committed to raising standards to improve the quality of education while aiding the learners who come from diverse backgrounds and from every walk of life to meet them. The University’s goal is to spark their enthusiasm, instill hope for better days ahead and empower them to reach their full potential. It seeks to offer them, through the courses taught, a chance to expand their knowledge, broaden their perspectives, and equip them with the skills needed to embrace the challenges and turn them into the best learning experiences.

    This year has undoubtably been a hectic one, nevertheless, our students were armed with resilience to defy the political turmoil and overlapping crises, fighting for their education and not succumbing to despair in the worsening socio-economic situation. We can think of no better examples than Ms. Jana Hamzeh, Mr. Saif al Neyadi and Ms. Marianne Ballout, spirited Physical Therapy graduates who conducted a research project titled on “the effect of rhythmic auditory stimulation variation on gait parameters in chronic stroke patients: A pilot study”, in collaboration with UA faculty members, Dr. Farah Ayoubi and Dr Marie-Catherine Baradhi. The conference abstract was published in Elsevier’s Gait & Posture journal (volume 90, supplement 1, pages 84-85) in October 2021. The major aim behind this research is to develop high-quality evidence-based treatment approaches to bring people with chronic gait impairments due to stroke and who were on the edge of death back to life. Indeed, this research sheds light on the outstanding, leading and increasingly prominent role of physical therapists in such complex cases and emphasizes the crucial duty of these humanitarian actors to save lives, protect people, alleviate their suffering and put an end to their tragedy, for this is what really matters and this defines saving lives for real.

    This step marks a life-changing moment that reveals our students’ determination to shine. Here’s an insight into Ms. Hamzeh’s academic journey to success, as she teamed up with her peers who decided to rise in the middle of chaos to take great pride in their work.

    1. Why did you choose to enroll in the Physical Therapy program at UA?
    “Physical Therapy is my only passion and purpose in life. When I wanted to choose my major, I was looking for something distinct, not mainstream, challenging, dense, and satisfying. I made my decision notwithstanding the fact that it was the hardest and most complex of all medical professions in terms of academic rigor, training mode, workload, not to mention the need for a vital continuous learning, set aside it being the medical profession requiring greatest clinical reasoning, critical thinking, medical expertise, and unique skills and problem solving. I chose Physical Therapy since I wanted to really save lives completely and in a wholesome manner through adding life to years, for it is the quality not the quantity that matters, and for saving lives is not about leaving people alive but dead indeed. I chose it because nothing else can bring me that kind of gratitude and satisfaction, and because no one else can do what physical therapists do or knows what we know, nor can he be the ideal superhero of unparalleled devotion. I chose Physical Therapy and would choose it again and again no matter what the circumstance, for nothing compares to it!
    UA may be held accountable for nurturing and nourishing this huge passion, being accredited by the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT), having the best and most competent doctors and personnel, being a student-centered institution, and striving for excellence. I believe for someone with a passion like mine, no university other than UA would have been the perfect fit, my family here at my second home where I am launching my career in different axes is one of the things I will forever be grateful for and never drift away from.”

    2. How would you describe your experience at UA? Were you able to fulfill your academic and personal potential?
    “Looking at where I am now, with UA, I exceeded my own expectations. What I have attained so far, whether considering the physical therapy alumni group, becoming a research supervisor and advisor, taking part in academic activities and administrative ones, being in an orientation position, and launching all the upcoming projects I wouldn't want to reveal and spoil at the moment while attaining huge positions, I can safely say that I was able to fulfill my potential, but with that endless aeipathy I have got towards physical therapy and I can promise this is only the start of unprecedented achievements.”

    3. How were the academic and administrative staff of the Department of Physical Therapy able to support you on your journey to greater success?
    “I really don't think any words would do them any good. They are my second family now, being an active member of the Department council, a research supervisor, and an active member of the administrative staff whether considering top management or any other position. I don't believe speaking about them would give them enough justice. I genuinely call them my support system, and I am forever grateful and blessed to have such a loving, caring, supportive, intimate, and enthusiastic family that celebrates my smallest achievement and progress as if it is that of each and every one of them. Considering our research project, the entire Department supported it like it was a common project whether considering resources, motivation, praise, encouragement, academic advice, etc.”

    4. What has inspired you the most during your years of studies?
    “The complexity, depth, load, sophistication, extreme hardship, and fruitful knowledge that never ends. I have discovered that other medical professions with all due respect barely scratch the surface compared to the details, volume, and advanced knowledge we attain and all of this during the first milestone in the forever lasting journey of becoming real physical therapists. Nothing compares to the education and rigor of becoming physical therapists and the deeper you get the more you drown into the fascinating knowledge physical therapists exclusively have, this developed an urge to keep searching no matter what obstacles I might face. Additionally, the drive, empathy, professionalism, and excellence of our role models, our professors and dear doctors and how humble they are set an example to live by and learn from. Physical Therapy as a whole is the ultimate inspiration to any outstanding person!”

    5. How were you able to hone your research skills and be able to reach this high level of proficiency?
    “I believe continuous learning, dedication, persistence, patience, and passion are required for anyone building a research career especially considering Physical Therapy being the most advanced and complex research axis in the medical field. Indeed, I was lucky enough to launch my career at such a young age, while it usually takes lots of progression and years in our case, in an elite and nurturing environment at the Physical Therapy Department at UA with the endless support and mentoring of our research supervisors Dr. Farah Ayoubi and Dr. Marie-Catherine Baradhi and the encouragement of the Department Council and the university at all times. Additionally, and most importantly, teamwork is key when it comes to advanced research, I was lucky to have an enthusiastic and extremely hardworking team thanks to my colleagues and co-authors Marianne Ballout and Saif Al Neyadi to whom I attribute this success and with whom I share it, they alongside our supervisors were the ultimate dream team.”

    6. What drives you to strive for excellence?
    “The enduring passion towards Physical Therapy drives me to push myself beyond any possible limits to serve my profession. Earning the honor and responsibility of calling myself a competent physical therapist isn't easy, this is a lifelong journey, full of milestones whether educational or professional. Finishing a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree is only the start for us, before earning a specialization degree through a Master and a doctorate degree (DPT) and before further advancing our knowledge and skills through various branches and educational routes. Therefore, passion pushes me to outperform myself in different axes whether educational, professional, or research-related, etc.”

    7. How hard was it to conduct such valuable research amidst heightened tensions, chaos, and instability in crisis-struck Lebanon?
    “We have been working hard on this project for over 2 years now. I would be lying if I say we faced no hardships and the process went smooth, we had to fight despair in a lot of phases and had to improvise and get creative in ways we never expected we might have to, but it was the best kind of pain, every hardship was worth it, looking back at it now we wouldn't want anything to change because we grew a lot thanks to this research project. Indeed, right now we will be submitting the full article to be published in a renowned global journal, so our journey with this project isn't over yet, it is only the start for us. Hopefully next time we will be posting the full article publication very soon and celebrating this huge achievement together!”

    8. What advice would you give to UA current students?
    “Do it with passion, or not at all. Whatever it is, whatever you choose to be, whatever journey you take, whatever decision you make, do it with all your heart and give it your all. If it doesn't give you butterflies or chills, and if it doesn't sincerely set your soul on fire, then you should probably redirect your destination and take the route your heart and mind are dragging you towards.”

    Our students deserve opportunities to grow, live purposefully, discover their passion and develop it, as they will never stand on the sidelines in case of tragic events and will strive to make the world a better place. Let us always guide them to make the appropriate choices when they take the next steps into shaping their careers. We could not be prouder of who they are and how well they embody UA’s core values!