Photography With Munir Nasr at UA’s Faculty of Information and Communication | Antonine University

  • Photography With Munir Nasr at UA’s Faculty of Information and Communication

    13 December 2023

    A captivating conference unfolded on November 16, 2023, at Antonine University (UA), where students from the Faculty of Information and Communication (FIC) gathered to meet and learn from the distinguished UN photographer, Mr. Munir Nasr, as part of the Les Jeudis de l’Infocom series.

    With a wealth of experience, Mr. Nasr took the audience on a visual journey around the world through his lens. His extensive collection of photographs showcased not only his technical mastery but also his ability to convey compelling stories through images. Students had the unique opportunity to gain insights into the art of photography as Mr. Nasr generously shared his knowledge, discussing the nuances of capturing the perfect moment and communicating powerful narratives through images.

    The mesmerizing pictures presented by Mr. Nasr captured the attention and imagination of everyone present. From documenting global issues to portraying the beauty of diverse cultures, his portfolio left an indelible impression on the audience, inspiring a fresh perspective on the transformative power of visual storytelling.

    As a generous conclusion to his conference, Mr. Nasr offered copies of his book titled “Munir – A lifetime journey captured” to all attendees.