Signature of a Collaboration Agreement between the MEHE and UA | Antonine University

  • Signature of a Collaboration Agreement between the MEHE and UA

    23 June 2022

    Within the framework of the Mediterranean Network of National Information Centres on the Recognition of Qualifications, the MERIC-Net capacity building project that is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, we are very pleased to announce the signature of an agreement between the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) and Antonine University (UA) on Monday, June 20, 2022, at the premises of the MEHE, in the presence of H.E. Dr. Abbas el Halabi, Minister of Education and Higher Education, Ms. Orla Colclough, Representative of the EU Delegation in Lebanon, Dr. Mazen El Khatib, Acting Director General of Higher Education, and Dr. Aref Alsoufi, Coordinator of National Erasmus+ Office in Lebanon.

    MERIC-Net is a structural project which aims at supporting, facilitating and increasing the recognition of qualifications in the Euro-Mediterranean region, where national bodies and higher education institutions are involved. Its objective is also to ensure strengthened cooperation between both regions through the sharing of up-to-date recognition practices. This project shed light on the organic relationship between the processes of recognition and the following three main pillars: the study programs that are designed using a competency-based approach, the quality assurance systems that should guarantee the delivery of these study programs, and the national qualification framework that considers employability.

    At the national level, MERIC-Net project brought the opportunity for the ministry and the two participating universities from Lebanon to build their capacity in terms of standards, organization, and processes for the recognition of qualifications, as the international mobility and globalization made necessary the recognition of internationally acceptable skills and abilities. Despite the challenging times the Lebanese higher education is going through, UA enthusiastically transferred the equipment funds that were allocated to the University in the framework of MERIC-Net, and thus contributed to co-finance the purchase of an equipment to detect fraudulent academic documents. This equipment will allow the Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE) to improve its capabilities to analyze the authenticity of the degrees issued by national and international higher education institutions which is subject to a recognition process.

    UA looks forward through this partnership with MEHE, with the support of the EU and the National Erasmus+ Office in Lebanon, to keeping the higher education sector attractive for international students and trusted by international recognition bodies.