The L3S: The Newly Founded Research Unit of UA’s Faculty of Sport Sciences | Antonine University

  • The L3S: The Newly Founded Research Unit of UA’s Faculty of Sport Sciences

    31 March 2023
    The L3S: The Newly Founded Research Unit of UA’s Faculty of Sport Sciences

    Wishing to contribute to the strengthening of sport sciences in Lebanon and the country's growth toward becoming a sports power, and as part of its commitment to ensuring an idealistic environment to help its students advance in the field of research in sport sciences, the Faculty of Sport Sciences (FSS) at Antonine University (UA) launched a research unit that grants a platform for interdisciplinary studies pertinent to sports and physical activity in Lebanon.

    The Laboratory of the 3S: Sport, Santé, Société, acknowledged as the L3S, was established in March 2023 to be a catalyst for changes and improvements in the area of sport sciences by fostering close ties between education, research, human resources development, and sports management within the University environment and local community. Thus, the L3S seeks to inspire innovation and structure-generating advancement across a range of scientific disciplines while collaborating with national and international partners and stakeholders.

    With the establishment of the new research unit of the FSS, we had the opportunity to interview the Dean of the Faculty and Director of the L3S, Dr. Antonio Soutou, who provided us with some key specifics on this new addition to UA's academic structure.

    1. How was the L3S founded and what is the mission of this new research unit?

    The FSS has been making efforts to establish a research unit that advances scientific study in the field of sport sciences since 2015, and it was finally successful in adopting the initiative in its 2020–25 strategic plan. As a matter of course, creating this research unit was one of my top priorities after being appointed Dean of the Faculty in 2022. Thus, we started putting together the required documents to comply with UA research regulations and obtain the approval of the administrative and academic councils.
    The L3S was therefore founded with a mission to inspire innovation and structure-generating development in the area of physical activity and sports in order to guide clinical and public health practice and policy in Lebanon through encouraging interdisciplinary scientific research, disseminating new knowledge, and promoting the development of sports culture. In addition, the L3S offers a space for Lebanese researchers who wish to combine the study of sports with other disciplines, and it seeks to foster national and international collaborations with academic partners, professionals, and federations.

    2. What kinds of research will the L3S focus on?

    We believe that research contributes to the development of sports in any country and are aware that there is a dearth of concrete information regarding various sports aspects in Lebanon. Therefore, the L3S will be working to produce innovative knowledge in different Lebanese sports fields, including sports physiology, history, psychology, sociology, training, management, and rehabilitation, in order to serve our 3 main thematic axes: performance, vulnerability, and innovation.

    3. In what ways can the L3S bring innovation to the study of sport sciences?

    As previously mentioned, it is very critical to collect accurate data from the field in order to advance development strategies and innovate various sports and physical activity sectors. By introducing new technologies in teaching techniques, coaching methods, and managerial practices, the L3S will equip instructors, coaches, and managers with new tools to succeed in gathering precise data.

    4. What types of resources and facilities will the center provide researchers with?

    The L3S will welcome Lebanese researchers working in the field of sport sciences as it will be equipped with different tools and testing equipment, all of which have received scientific approval, giving the researchers everything they need to conduct their research and accomplish their goals.
    The laboratory is currently equipped with the PowerLab® by ADInstruments, a high-quality data acquisition device engineered to record precise, reliable, and consistent data for research and education. With this apparatus, we aim to develop research projects targeting, among other things, exercise physiology (training adaptations and performance), as well as exercise/health and diseases. The device is composed of 2 different kits: the first is a Human Physiology Kit, which enables the recording and analysis of several experiments on human subjects and includes a respiratory belt, a sphygmomanometer, a cardio microphone, a grip force transducer, and a tendon hammer; the second is a Human Respiratory Kit, which allows us to record and analyze respiratory parameters such as minute ventilation and tidal volume along with the calculation of PIF, PEF, FVC, and FEV1. This device can later be coupled with other human measurement kits for research and teaching purposes.
    In addition, we have installed an isometric assessment tool for calculating maximal force, rate of force development, and strength endurance; an immersion circulator for heat pressure tests; the VIVE virtual reality kit for developing studies related to esports, e-games, and health; and the Wagner Digital algometer for testing pressure pain threshold.

    5. Who is eligible to join the L3S, and how can prospects apply for membership?

    The L3S acknowledges that partnerships and collaborations are essential to the unit's growth and advancement and is committed to working with local, regional, and international partners. We accept 3 membership categories: researchers, associate researchers, and research assistants. Since our goal is to promote and develop research in the field of sport sciences, PhD holders from UA and other institutions are welcome to join any L3S team.
    Candidates must therefore send their CVs to, and their files will be treated by the respective team’s director.

    6. Can you elaborate on any specific projects or initiatives the L3S plans to undertake in the near future?

    The L3S is currently focusing on a variety of research axes and projects. First off, as part of our mission to promote the development of sports culture, and since the Faculty is committed to encouraging women’s involvement in sports, we recently launched “Women in Action,” a project that aims to shed light on women’s participation in sports, raise awareness on gender equity, and advance women’s sports in Lebanon. A code of ethics, among numerous other actions, is planned to be created and published as one of the measures we are putting in place to provide a safe and secure environment for women practicing any kind of sport or physical activity.
    Additionally, within our effort to produce innovative knowledge in different Lebanese sports fields, particularly history and heritage, we will be taking advantage of the Antonine community’s generous contribution to the advancement of sports in Lebanon to create a museum that will preserve the history and heritage of Lebanese sports.