Lebanese Traditional Popular Wedding Songs In Mount Lebanon: An Ethnomusicological Study | Antonine University


Lebanese Traditional Popular Wedding Songs In Mount Lebanon: An Ethnomusicological Study

  Author(s): Marcel Akiki

Language(s): English
Publication Date: 2010
Publisher: Antonine University Press
Number of Pages: 200
Cover Type: Paperback
Book Dimensions: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN: 978-9953-552-09-5
Availability: Available




This monographic research aimed at three main objectives. The first, reconstitution of the repertoire of weddings songs of Mount Lebanon, which is something that had never been realized before. The second, systematic reconstitution of the model traditional wedding ceremony, proved to be a common element in the majority of field testimony and historical descriptions. Finally, musicological analysis of the model system inherent in the newly reconstituted corpus.
The Field prospecting, the widest field collection ever carried out in Mount Lebanon, brought to light the barely existing living traditions. Field operations led to a previously mostly unknown repertoire of more than 100 poetic texts and about 100 transcriptions of traditional melodies. Finally, the analysis of the model structures of the corpus led to the generation of a typology of scalar, nuclear, and formulaic modality, which brings out the micromodel character of the tradition, all in Zalzalian framework (an arrangement of major and neutral seconds).
Although Analysis of comprehensive identity-based affiliations do not figure in this research, it is possible to state at this stage that the remaining residual traditions of Mount Lebanon today are significant and indicate the presence of a true cultural identity.