Hadat–Baabda Campus
Chady Abou Jaoude, PhD
Associate Professor
Telephone: +961 5 927000 ext. 2100
Email: dean.foe@ua.edu.lb and chady.aboujaoude@ua.edu.lb
Kabalan Chaccour, PhD
Assistant Professor
Head of the Department of Computer and Communications Engineering
Telephone: +961 5 927000 ext. 2122
Email: hod.dcce@ua.edu.lb and kabalan.chaccour@ua.edu.lb
Charbel El Gemayel, PhD
Assistant Professor
Head of the Department of Technology in Computer Science
Email: hod.dtcs@ua.edu.lb and charbel.gemayel@ua.edu.lb
Dayana Dib, PhD
Assistant Professor
Telephone: +961 5 927000 ext. 2119
Email: dayana.dib@ua.edu.lb
Joseph Al Asmar, PhD
Assistant Professor
Chargé for Quality Assurance and Accreditation
Telephone: +961 5 927000 ext. 2123
Email: joseph.asmar@ua.edu.lb
Rony Darazi, PhD
Telephone: +961 5 927000 ext. 2115
Email: rony.darazi@ua.edu.lb
Talar Atechian, PhD
Associate Professor
Telephone: +961 5 927000 ext. 2114
Email: talar.atechian@ua.edu.lb
Youssef Bou Issa, PhD
Associate Professor
Telephone: +961 5 927000 ext. 2126
Email: youssef.bouissa@ua.edu.lb
Zahi Chami, PhD
Associate Professor
Telephone: +961 5 927000 ext. 2124
Email: zahi.chami@ua.edu.lb
Irma Jabbour
Administrative Assistant
Telephone: +961 5 927000 ext. 2110
Email: assistant.foe@ua.edu.lb and irma.jabbour@ua.edu.lb
Elise Mezher
Administrative Assistant
Telephone: +961 5 927000 ext. 2111
Email: assistant.dcce@ua.edu.lb and elise.mezher@ua.edu.lb
Miryam Abou Chahine
Administrative Assistant
Telephone: +961 5 927000 ext. 2101
Email: assistant.foe@ua.edu.lb and miryam.abouchahine@ua.edu.lb
Nabi Ayla–Zahle Campus
Anthony Tannoury, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dean’s Delegate
Telephone: +961 8 902020 - 30 - 40 ext. 4111
Email: anthony.tannoury@ua.edu.lb
Michel Tannoury
Senior Lecturer
Telephone: +961 8 902020 - 30 - 40 ext. 4111
Email: michel.tannoury@ua.edu.lb
Mirna Achkouty
Administrative Assistant
Telephone: +961 8 902020 - 30 - 40 ext. 4112
Email: mirna.achkouty@ua.edu.lb
Mejdlaya–Zgharta Campus
Zeina Hanna, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dean’s Delegate
Telephone: +961 6 669101 - 2 ext. 2118
Email: zeina.hanna@ua.edu.lb
Vera Kareh
Administrative Assistant
Telephone: +961 6 669101 - 2 ext. 5120
Email: vera.kareh@ua.edu.lb