Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science | Antonine University

Department of Technology in Computer Science

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science


  • 96Credits
  • 3Duration of the program
  • $170Price
Official Name of the Program Computer Science
Official Degree Level Bachelor of Technology
Price/Credit $170
Campuses Availability Hadat–Baabda; Nabi Ayla–Zahlé; Mejdlaya–Zgharta

Program Objectives

The Department of Technology in Computer Science at the Antonine University (UA) has developed a well-defined set of Program Educational Objectives (PEO) to assure the quality of our program and graduates. These objectives are broad statements that describe the professional accomplishments that a student should attain or achieve within a few years after graduation. These objectives are designed to aid in the pursuit of our mission as being consistent with the needs and expectations of the program constituencies. The current Program Educational Objectives are the following:

  • Graduates will provide innovative approaches to solving complex technical problems through the application of their computer science theory, knowledge, and principles.
  • Graduates will practice and evolve as computing professionals, designing, developing, and maintaining projects in multi-disciplinary teams, using their skills in communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
  • Graduates will demonstrate their ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment and will engage in life-long learning and professional development leading, to increases in organizational responsibility that support the organization’s core goals.
  • Graduates will exhibit high levels of professionalism and ethical responsibility and will remain informed and involved as full contributors in their profession and society who take appropriate account, in their professional work.

To be eligible to pursue a degree in Computer Science, the candidate should have the following requirements:

  • A Lebanese Baccalaureate or equivalent diploma.
  • Language proficiency: English B.1.1 level.
Teaching Methods

Teaching methods are manifold and varied. They are delivered in an array of forms, including:

  • Lectures: mainly addressed to large groups, during which students come to grips with the theoretical concepts underlying a subject matter. The teaching sessions are highly interactive, solicit the students’ full participation, and stimulate their interest, thus greatly promoting the learning process.
  • Practicum: during which students come face to face with the real-life experimental situations. Hence, students will be able to apply the theoretical notions in a practical setting. Students will be assessed on their ability to apply and put the acquired notions into practice.
  • Tutorials: during which students apply the knowledge gained during the lectures to a series of exercises and case studies. Students will be assessed on their ability to apply several theoretical concepts to solving exercises.
  • Problem-based learning: in which students work in groups, discover, study, and apply the elements of the subject by solving problems with the help of the resources provided to them. Students will be assessed on their ability to work in a group, to analyze a problem, and to propose solutions based on their acquired knowledge.
  • Project-based learning: in which students wind up having a concrete product, achieved through the knowledge and skills gained from one or more courses. The project can be accomplished either individually or in small groups. Students will be assessed on their ability to manage a project, work in a group, identify needs, carry out scientific research, propose solutions in answer to a practical challenge, and, eventually, realize a concrete project.

The previously mentioned learning activities can be fully or partially adopted depending on the pedagogical nature of the course.

Evaluation Process

The assessment of competencies and skills takes place during the semester of study. It is carried out through:

  • Two-phase individual exams, including a mid-term part exam and a semester final exam. The examination schedule is communicated to students via an administrative circular; and
  • Learning assessment activities conducted during the course sessions (i.e. tutorials, practicums, projects, quizzes, etc.)

Each assessment represents a percentage value, whose total adds up to 100% of the final grade on the subject.

The grade distribution of a course is determined at the beginning of the semester and mentioned in the syllabus.

No make-up examination, also known as a retake examination, is planned. Indeed, any absence to the assessments will not be automatically made up for.

Registration in any course depends on the validation of the prerequisite and mandatory course(s).


Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

The Program Learning Outcomes, yet articulated as Student outcomes, support the Program Educational Objectives. Attainment of these outcomes prepares graduates to enter the professional practice of Computer Science. The PLOs are the following:

  • Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  • Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  • Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  • Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  • Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.
Job Prospects

Upon the completion of the Computer Science program, students can acquire the following positions:

  • Software Developer.
  • Application Analyst.
  • UX Designer.
  • Web Master.
  • Web Developer.
  • Mobile Application Developer.
  • Database Developer.
  • Game Developer.


Program Structure

Semester 1

Code Course Credits
SCOP222-AC00 Citizenship and Society
MATH103-EC00 Discrete Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
3 Credits
This course presents discrete methods in computer science and applied mathematics, and covers topics related to regular languages and expressions. Students will learn the basic elements in number theory and graph theory, and this course provides inductive relationships and repetition.
MATH204-EC00 Calculus
3 Credits
This course provides students with the necessary mathematical tools to pursue their specialization. It revolves around the fundamental concepts of analysis: real functions and usual functions, derivation, integration, limited developments, sequences, and numerical series. The main goal is to allow students to know how to implement and use the basic techniques of analysis and to acquire the necessary knowledge for the understanding of mathematical calculations throughout their university studies.
PROG121-EC01 Programming I
Programming I
3 Credits
This course involves structural programming using the C/C++ language. This course will allow the student to acquire basic knowledge of structural programming. The course explains the variables, basic operators, selection, repetitions, arrays, functions, and procedures. At the end of the course, the student should be able to write correct algorithms and programs.
PROG121-EP01 Lab Programming I
Lab Programming I
1 Credits
This Lab aims to familiarize the student with the programming environment. The student will have exercises to write using a programming language. This practicum is a co-requisite of the Programming I course.
NETW228-EC00 Computer Networks
Computer Networks
3 Credits
This course introduces the architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the Internet and other computer networks. The principles and structure of IP addressing and the fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media, and operations are introduced to provide a foundation for the curriculum. By the end of this course, students will be able to build simple LANs, perform basic configurations for routers and switches, and implement IP addressing schemes.
Semester 2

Code Course Credits
ECON122-EC00 Accounting and finance
Accounting and finance
3 Credits
This course is an overview of the simple concepts that are essential to financial accounting systems. The course highlights the production of the basic financial accounting statements - the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.
MATH104-EC00 Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra
3 Credits
The main objective of this course is to introduce the fundamental notions of linear algebra related to matrix computation and the resolution of linear systems. The first target is for students to acquire certain ease in the use of geometric language (vectors and linear applications) and matrix language. Students also practice the computation of matrix operations (addition, multiplication, and inversion), the calculation of determinants, the resolution of systems of linear equations, and the reduction (diagonalization) of the matrices after the calculation of the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors.
PROG122-EC11 Programming II
Programming II
3 Credits
This course aims to allow the student to focus on the concepts of data. In this course, students will study algorithms and their complexities; also, they will study Pointers in an advanced and thorough way to understand their principle fully. The course also focuses on abstract data types, recursion, and file manipulation.
PROG122-EP01 Lab Programming II
Lab Programming II
1 Credits
This lab presents topics for organizing, searching, sorting, and manipulating data in C ++ (structures, pointers, multidimensional arrays, and binaries). It focuses on arrays, file manipulation, strings. Recursion and sorting algorithms are also discussed.
SYST222-EC00 Computer Architecture
Computer Architecture
3 Credits
This course allows students to understand the designing principles of computers as information processing machines. The goal is for them to get hold of the operating principles of processors and the different types of memories and peripherals in order to understand the architecture of computer systems.
MLTM122-EC00 Web Design I
Web Design I
3 Credits
The course aims to develop skills for creating vector and matrix objects adapted to websites using different types of software (Illustrator, Photoshop, and Animate). In addition, competencies related to the creation of a website, from the design phase to the modeling and implementation phases, are developed. Tools and languages of new technologies and standards, namely, HTML5, CSS3, JAVASCRIPT, and jQuery, are used for the development of websites.
Semester 3

Code Course Credits
MATH322-EC00 Applied Probability and Statistics
Applied Probability and Statistics
3 Credits
This course is divided into two parts: the first part is about studying the principal probability laws of discrete and continuous random variables. The second part is about studying the statistical theory of estimation and hypotheses testing. Topics include basic probability models, combinatorics, random variables, discrete and continuous probability distributions, statistical estimation and testing, confidence intervals, and an introduction to linear regression.
PROG123-EC10 Data Structure and Algorithms
Data Structure and Algorithms
3 Credits
This course aims to allow the student to acquire knowledge on advanced data types (struct, linked lists, stack, queue, red-black trees, heap, hash, etc.) and graph programming (Topological Sort, Shortest-Path Algorithms, Network Flow Problems, Minimum Spanning Tree, etc.). It also gives knowledge on dynamic programming and allows a deep understanding of the algorithms.
PROG221-EC10 Programming III
Programming III
3 Credits
This course aims to focus on the concepts of object-oriented programming (class, object, and instance) and the concepts of inheritance, polymorphism, and interface. An object-oriented programming language (JAVA, C #) will be studied to implement the programs.
DBMG125-EC00 Database design
Database design
3 Credits
This course introduces the basic concepts related to the design of databases. It involves understanding the conceptual and relational modeling of data while relying on relational algebra. Students will be able to realize the conceptual and relational schemas of the data to implement them under various Data Base Management Systems (DBMS).
WCEN102-EC10 English Writing Skills
English Writing Skills
3 Credits
The course aims to improve students’ reading and writing abilities so that they can succeed in their essay writing. Students will expand their vocabulary, increase their ability to analyze complex text, and improve their writing skills. The course includes paragraph and essay structure and a systematic grammar review.
Semester 4

Code Course Credits
PROG421-EC10 Mobile Development
Mobile Development
3 Credits
This course is an introduction to principal concepts in mobile application development on Android devices, including User Interface design, data storage, sensor management, debugging and testing, and publishing on Google play store.
PROG224-EC10 Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
3 Credits
This course will enable the student to acquire knowledge in artificial intelligence algorithms, develop technical, relational, and organizational skills as well as professional attitudes. Fuzzy Logic, genetic algorithms, and neural networks are form the basis of this course. This course also includes an overview of data mining. A series of exercises and a set of simulations on computers help the student to assimilate the course. The simulations are performed on the Windows operating system with Microsoft visual studio C # .NET.
SYST121-EC10 Operating Systems
Operating Systems
3 Credits
The course focuses on the basic concepts of operating systems, with a focus on individual systems. Topics discussed in this course include processes, threads, synchronization, programming, memory management, file management, I/O, and user programs. The most common operating systems (UNIX, LINUX, and Windows) illustrate the implementation of these concepts.
DBMG126-EC10 Database programming
Database programming
3 Credits
This course provides students with an understanding and experience with database technology, and the Structured Query Language (SQL). They will learn the basics of database programming, and write simple stored procedures and triggers, with extensive hands-on experience and exercises on Oracle Databases.
PROG322-EC20 Web Development I
Web Development I
3 Credits
The aim of the course is to provide students with basic knowledge of jQuery and PHP programming languages, let them practice the installation and manipulation of a MySQL database to be used with PHP in the web environment and create dynamic web pages using jQuery and PHP script languages and a MySQL database.
Semester 5

Code Course Credits
SOFT121-EC20 UX/UI Design
UX/UI Design
3 Credits
This course describes the principles of human-computer interaction by describing user interfaces and their evaluation and usability. The course is about designing user-centered prototypes and interfaces. Forms, menus, commands, colors, icons, API are the basics of this course.
SYST223-EC10 Cloud computing
Cloud computing
3 Credits
This course introduces subjects and technologies related to Cloud Computing and their practical applications. Students will discover different architectural models of cloud computing, the concepts of virtualization, and cloud orchestration, while acquiring practical experience with various features of existing cloud platforms.
SYST321-EC20 Computer Security
Computer Security
3 Credits
This course covers important issues of information security, ranging from security policies, authentication, reaching identification. Other topics include the basics of cryptography and network security.
PROG501-EC20 Theory of computation
Theory of computation
3 Credits
This course discusses the fundamentals of automation, grammar, regular expressions, auto-parsing, noncontextual grammar, lexical, syntaxical, and semantic analysis. In addition to, offering a brief introduction to the theory of complexity.
CSEN103-EC10 Communication Skills
Communication Skills
3 Credits
This course aims to develop students’ basic communication skills. Students will learn skills related to negotiations, survey taking, and problem-solving, as well as be introduced to skills involved in making a presentation. Additionally, students will learn to start and continue a conversation naturally, using several communication strategies such as asking follow-up questions and giving extended answers. They will also learn about the importance of, taking turns and how to control the flow of a conversation by adding information. Finally, the students will practice their writing skills with a list of contextual essays.
Semester 6

Code Course Credits
LEGL122-AC00 Computer Ethics
Computer Ethics
3 Credits
This course focuses on ethical issues and challenges faced by computing experts, including concerns related to the internet, intellectual property, privacy, security, and law-related issues.
PROG223-EC20 Advanced programming
Advanced programming
3 Credits
The aim of this course is to tackle advanced software development technologies for Large Distributed Systems and concurrent systems. It studies the basic principles and concepts of the specification, design, implementation, and testing of these systems. Competitive models for objects. Design templates. Use tools. Documents using formal and informal descriptions. Students will develop at least one large software program.
SOFT 301-EC10 Software Development
Software Development
SOFT 301-EC10
3 Credits
The course introduces the basics of software development, with a focus on identifying and defining requirements, as well as the analysis and design stages of the software life cycle. The specification is given as a set of processes (with prerequisites and retroactive injection) and uses a common data model and a project in the form of a dependency module schema, in which the focus is on data decomposition and procedures. The course also includes project verification and testing to comply with its specifications, as well as the use of stereotypes and decomposition to ensure technological review. Students will apply acquired concepts to software development.
PROG323-EC10 Web Development II
Web Development II
3 Credits
This course develops advanced language programming skills along with the system of selecting a web host by building rich and dynamic content for websites. It also shows how to promote the website through SEO techniques and backlinks. It allows students to enhance and enrich their skills in Web programming and developing Web applications that use three-tier architecture, session management, object-oriented techniques, and advanced database interactions. Concepts such as advanced CSS concepts, rich interactive Web environments, authentication, and security will be discussed thoroughly.
STAP324-ES10 Internship
1 Credits
An internship is an integral part of computer science education. It provides real-world experience in the profession; Enables correlation of classroom learning with its application in the industry; Broadens understanding of the types of employment available in the field; Helps students discover their interests; Builds resume credentials for the students; and develops relationships between the University and the industry.
PROG324-EC20 Data Analysis
Data Analysis
3 Credits
The course covers a wide range of statistical methods and some important machine learning techniques used in today’s big data analytics for exploratory and segmentation analysis, as well as for the estimation of relationships and predictive modeling. Students will get ready for data management and the analysis of the survey, sales, and other types of data. Students will learn how to use the R language for statistical computing, modeling, and data management as well as SQL.
PRFE323-EM10 Final Project
Final Project
3 Credits
The end-of-study project allows students to make use of their entire knowledge to produce a complex project. It is also an opportunity to consolidate their oral and written communication skills, as well as their project management skills.