The Rector is the highest authority of Antonine University (UA) and is elected by the General Council of the Antonine Maronite Order (OAM). He holds office for a renewable mandate of 6 years and serves as the spokesperson for the OAM and the Board of Trustees (BOT) within the University. Additionally, the Rector acts as the legal representative of UA externally. In his capacity as chair of the Rectorate, he is assisted in the performance of his duties by the Administrative Council. The members of the Administrative Council exercise their delegated authority in their respective areas of expertise as determined by the Rector.
The primary mission of the Rector is to ensure that the institution operates under the principles of collegiality and transparency. Special emphasis is placed on strategic leadership and providing a student-centered education system while maintaining the University’s strong reputation. Moreover, the Rector presides over the councils and committees that are considered the most important, where decisive and unified actions are taken.