The Scientific Research Council (SRC) at Antonine University (UA) is composed ex officio of the Rector, Vice Rector for Research (VRR), Directors of the research units, and research officers in the faculties without research units. The SRC also welcomes, as observers (non-voting), the Director and Coordinator of UA Press and the Director of the Library, as well as the Research Coordinator. The Rector shall update the actual composition of the SRC at the beginning of the fall semester of each academic year.
This instance shall ordinarily meet three times a year under the leadership of the Rector and upon convocation by the VRR on his behalf. It studies the documents submitted by the VRR and decides democratically (by consensus or vote) on:
the proposed University strategy in terms of scientific research;
- the annual projects of the autonomous research units of UA;
- the provisional budget of the Vice Rector for Research;
- the provisional budgets allocated to research at UA;
- the general guidelines and standards relating to scientific publications produced and edited by UA;
- the general guidelines and standards relating to scientific events organized by UA;
- the annual proposals for electronic databases provided to UA researchers.
Composition of the Scientific Research Council (SRC)
- Fr. Michel Saghbiny, Rectorate
- Prof. Antoine El Samrani, Vice Rectorate for Research
- Fr. Elias Chakhtoura, UA Press
- Prof. Nidaa Abou Mrad, Faculty of Music and Musicology
- Dr. Jad Nassar, Faculty of Engineering and Technology
- Dr. Pascale Azar, Faculty of Information and Communication
- Dr. Antonio Soutou, Faculty of Sport Sciences
- Dr. Sami Naddaf, Antonine School of Business
- Dr. Mona Nehme, Faculty of Public Health