At the beginning of each academic year, the Secretary General of Antonine University (UA) designates the new members of the Student Representative Committee (SRC) according to specific criteria of selection. Subsequently, the selected students must attend a meeting with the Vice Rector for Integral Human Development (VRIHD) to brief them about their responsibilities. They must also meet with the Director of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) once a month.
As part of their mission, the members of the SRC will maintain a close relationship with the faculty councils since they will be called upon to attend their meetings. However, it should be noted that the representatives will not have the right to vote during these meetings and they will not be allowed to participate in the meetings reporting on the students’ learning outcomes.
At the beginning of their mandate, the SRC members will have another important task to accomplish, that of electing one of them for each campus as a representative on the UA Council. The Secretary General then invites the three chosen students to participate in the UA Council meetings when appropriate and without having the right to vote. During these meetings, student representatives and the UA Council will exchange useful information on academic and student life and express mutual concerns.
Additionally, the two elected representatives of the Nabi Ayla–Zahle and Mejdlaya–Zgharta Campuses will be invited by their respective Campus Directors to participate in the meeting of the Branch Campuses Councils, without having the right to vote.