High Level Scientific Stay Grants (SSHN) | Antonine University


High Level Scientific Stay Grants (SSHN)

Call for Applications 2024

The French Embassy in Lebanon/French Institute in Lebanon launched in 2017 the High Level Scientific Stays program to support the mobility of Lebanese researchers to initiate or strengthen high-level scientific cooperation projects between France and Lebanon.

These stays of 1 to 6 months maximum in France are aimed at doctoral students, post-doctoral students, young researchers, and experienced Lebanese researchers. The deadline to submit the file is January 10, 2024.

All scholarship holders will benefit from the status of “France Excellence” scholarship holder (formerly “Boursier du Gouvernement français”).


High-level scientific stay grants are awarded to beneficiaries (doctoral students, post-doctoral students, or researchers) participating in a high-level scientific and technical research and exchange program.

These grants must make it possible to initiate a research project or strengthen an existing scientific collaboration with a French research team attached to a higher education and research establishment, or a research organization or a company.

All scientific disciplines are concerned. Priority will be given to subjects of major interest for Lebanon and for the partner establishment, corresponding to the priorities set within the framework of Franco-Lebanese cooperation, to research integrated into a Franco-Lebanese research project or as a result of a project of the Hubert Curien CEDRE Program.

Duration of stay

High-level scientific stay grants are awarded:

  • For a minimum duration of 1 month and up to 3 months maximum (possible extension up to 6 months, upon duly justified request) to doctoral students, post-doctoral students, and researchers who obtained their PhD 5 years ago or less on the date arrival of the scholarship holder in France.
  • For a minimum duration of 15 days and up to 1 month maximum (possible extension of up to 3 months, upon duly justified request) to post-doctoral students and teacher-researchers who have obtained their PhD since more than 5 years from the date of arrival of the scholarship holder in France.


The research stay must be completed no later than December 15, 2024. The scientific stay grant is not renewable and cannot be extended beyond 6 months.

Due to the hosting of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and the associated logistical difficulties (availability of flights, accommodation, etc.), no short scientific stay can be organized between the months of July and the end of August 2024.

Scholarship benefits

  • Allowance of €1,704 per month paid monthly to young researcher:
    - doctoral students on a short research stay (doctoral students not registered in France carrying out a research stay of 3 months maximum);
    - post-docs and researchers who have obtained their PhD no more than 5 years ago on the planned date of arrival in France.


  • Allowance of €2,055 per month paid monthly to the confirmed researcher:
    - post-doctoral students and researchers who have obtained their PhD more than 5 years ago on the planned date of arrival in France.


  • Free visa;
  • Social coverage in France;
  • Coverage of a round-trip plane ticket between Lebanon and France;
  • Transportation between the arrival airport and the training location during the first trip.


Eligibility criteria

The candidate for a high-level scientific stay scholarship must meet the following criteria:

  • Be of Lebanese nationality and reside in Lebanon (people of French or Franco-Lebanese nationality are not eligible. In the event that the French Embassy discovers that a winner is a French nationality holder, their scholarship will be granted to a candidate placed on the complementary list);
  • Be a doctoral student, post-doctoral student, or researcher having obtained their PhD no more than 5 years ago on the date of arrival in France and not benefit from a scholarship or other support program or be a post-doctoral student or teacher-researcher having obtained their PhD more than 5 years ago on the date of arrival in France and having a contract in their original establishment in Lebanon to carry out mobility in the host laboratory;
  • Be registered with or dependent on a higher education or research establishment in Lebanon. Candidates registered for a doctorate in a higher education or research establishment in France are not eligible;
  • Benefit from an invitation for a scientific stay from a host organization in France (higher education and research establishment or research organization or company);
  • Have linguistic knowledge adapted to the working language and the research project.


The deadline to submit the file is January 10, 2024.

Call for Applications SSHN 2024
Application File SSHN 2024