Partnerships | Antonine University



The Department of Computer and Communications Engineering (DCCE) is intent on strengthening its ties with a wide array of companies to promote employment and, more specifically, to boost internships since former interns constitute a major portion of the young people employed in a company. The Faculty of Engineering (FOE) works on the continuous development of professional integration services and relies on its alumni to build bridges and develop networking within companies.

UA’s FOE has set up student exchange programs and double diploma cooperation agreements with European universities. This cooperation is relevant for all students. The main objective of these cooperation agreements is to provide engineering students with international openness and development in their area of specialization.

International Partners

  • Université de Franche-Comté (UFC) – France
  • École supérieure d’ingénieurs numérique et matériaux (ESIREM) – Dijon, France
  • Université de Bourgogne (uB) – Dijon, France
  • Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) – France
  • Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) – France
  • Grande École d’Ingénieurs JUNIA – Lille, France