BA in Advertising – Journalism and Radio/TV | Antonine University


BA in Advertising – Journalism and Radio/TV

French, English, and Arabic

  • 96 Credits
  • 3Duration of the program
  • $120Price
Official Name of the Program BA in Advertising – Journalism and Radio/TV
Official Degree Level Bachelor of Arts
Price/Credit $120
Campuses Availability Hadat–Baabda

Program Objectives

The program of Journalism and Radio/TV aims to involve students in the world of communication, giving them a comprehensive knowledge of the theories and practices in journalism, delving into cultural and political questions, and mastering various techniques.

Students will learn how to develop a reflexive thinking approach (artistic, creative, and technical), leading to a constructive self-assessment. In this program, students will be exposed to simulations as in a real-work environment for planning and executing communication strategies, working in teams, and under pressure while applying the ethical rules of professional practice.

The program aims as well to introduce students to research in information and communication, preparing them for a Master’s degree.



To apply for the program in Communication and Journalism, students should complete a file on-site or online at specific dates, sit for an entrance test, and have an admission interview at the Faculty.

Teaching Methods

Courses are mainly practical along with theoretical courses. The main teaching methodologies are:

  • Interactive lectures
  • Hands-on TV-Lab activities
  • Project and teamwork-based learning
  • Case studies analysis
  • Discussions, brainstorming and self-reflection


Evaluation Process

Based on the type of courses if theoretical or hands-on, we always refer to the course learning outcomes for evaluation according to the following:

  • Theoretical courses:

    • Class activity: 20%
    • Mid-term exam: 30%
    • Final exam: 50%
  • Practical courses:
    • Class activity: 20%
    • Mid-term project: 30%
    • Final project: 50%


Teaching Language(s):

Arabic, English, and French

Language level required for graduation is B2


Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

By the end of the program in Journalism and Communication, students should be able to:

  • Produce various journalistic genres in written, audiovisual, and digital formats for traditional and web content
  • Generate their creative work in Arabic, French and English (TV News, Radio news, Television programs, Radio programs, Documentaries, Live coverage, Social Media, Blogs, Web journals, YouTube content...)
  • Develop internal and external communication strategies for individuals, NGOs, and private or public companies, based on communication theories
  • Analyze news and information based on historical, political, psychosocial and economic research, and data acquired during the academic process
  • Demonstrate ethical considerations during the practical application of the courses based on the code of ethics ruling the profession the communication professions
  • Demonstrate language proficiency in verbal and non-verbal applications
  • Demonstrate teamwork skills in a multicultural context
  • Work under stress in tight time schedules and under different professional conditions
  • Develop communication projects aiming at the common good of society


Job Prospects

The jobs targeted by this program comprise the following responsibilities and functions:

  • Communication Strategist
  • Web Manager
  • Social Media Expert
  • Journalist
  • Investigative Reporter
  • TV Anchor
  • Radio Host


Program Structure

University General Requirements

Code Course Credits
SCOP 202-AC00 Citizenship and the Society
Citizenship and the Society
SCOP 202-AC00
3 Credits
This course aims at strengthening students’ knowledge of the principles and values of citizenship and civic work as a means for active engagement in society. Students will identify key areas and strategies related to legal citizenship, diversity, and pluralism, reflecting critically in teams about current issues and presenting through projects innovative ideas while referring to the Constitution and the international laws.
JOUR102-FP00 Information and Communication Methodology
Information and Communication Methodology
2 Credits
The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the research techniques and methodologies. It addresses the concepts of social sciences and leads to the design of a preliminary scientific research project.
COMM101-FP00 Expression Techniques (Communication)
Expression Techniques (Communication)
1 Credits
The objective of this course is to improve the students’ oral communication skills.
JOUR108-FP10 Editorial techniques II: News (Communication)
Editorial techniques II: News (Communication)
1 Credits
The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the writing techniques for newspapers, with an emphasis on short stories in Arabic.
JOUR118-FP10 Editorial Techniques III: Articles (Communication)
Editorial Techniques III: Articles (Communication)
1 Credits
This course engages students in the analysis and writing techniques of an article for the printing and digital media.
COMM104-FC00 Professional Code of Practice (Ethics)
Professional Code of Practice (Ethics)
2 Credits
This course aims at introducing students to the ethical aspects governing the profession of journalism, its rules, rights, and responsibilities according to the national and international Ethical Charters.
Major Courses

Code Course Credits
JOUR103-FC00 Media in the World
Media in the World
2 Credits
The objective of this course is to give a general overview of the state, functioning, and challenges of the international and Arabian media groups.
CULT103-FC00 General Culture I
General Culture I
1 Credits
This course will introduce students to the world of arts, cinema, music, and technology in a challenging way to widen their culture.
THEA101-FP00 Theater Initiation
Theater Initiation
3 Credits
The objective of this course is to have students practicing theatre and acting techniques that will enable them to improve their capacity to control their emotions and overcome any stress in front of a camera.
JOUR101-FP00 TV Journalism
TV Journalism
1 Credits
The objective of this course is to prepare students on how to think, write, and express themselves in a specific way when creating a TV content.
TMON105-FP00 Shooting and Editing Techniques
Shooting and Editing Techniques
3 Credits
In this course, students will learn the basic techniques of using a camera, its multiple scenes and angles, sound techniques, and editing.
COMM109-FP00 Infographics
3 Credits
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts of infographics and the use of state-of-the-art software packages for their projects.
HIST104-FC00 Contemporary Political History of the Middle East
Contemporary Political History of the Middle East
3 Credits
The objective of this course is to give the students an overview of the contemporary political history beginning with World War 1 up to now, delving into the different political challenges of the Middle East with an analytical approach.
JOUR107-FP00 Genres in Journalism I
Genres in Journalism I
3 Credits
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the writing techniques for the printing journalistic genres with an emphasis on news, short stories, interviews and else, in French and English.
JOUR106-FP10 Editorial Techniques I : TV Reporting
Editorial Techniques I : TV Reporting
2 Credits
In this course, students will learn how to produce different genres of TV reports following the latest techniques.
JOUR104-AC00 Arabian Media I
Arabian Media I
3 Credits
The objective of this course is to train students for the best use of the media lexicon in Arabic (Level 1)
JOUR105-AP00 News TV / Radio I
News TV / Radio I
3 Credits
The objective of this course is to produce a complete Journal broadcasted on Radio after going through the different Radio news and genres from short stories to reports.
COMM102-FC00 Psychology and Mechanism of Influence
Psychology and Mechanism of Influence
2 Credits
The objective of this course is to analyze the mass media mechanism of influence and its psychosocial effects on the individual and the society to better design any media message.
JOUR110-FC00 Media and Society
Media and Society
2 Credits
The objective of this course is to analyze the relationship between media and society, their interaction, influence, role, and impact.
JOUR111-FP10 Genres in Journalism II
Genres in Journalism II
3 Credits
In this course, students will learn how to master the TV Interview, regardless of its genres or interviewers. Students will eventually prepare, present, and conduct a live TV debate.
TRAD101-FC00 Translation I
Translation I
1 Credits
In this course, students will learn the basic skills of translation as an essential tool in the media field
JOUR112-AC10 Arabian Media II
Arabian Media II
2 Credits
The objective of this course is to improve students’ skills in the use of the media lexicon in Arabic.
COMM103-AP00 Arabic Diction I
Arabic Diction I
1 Credits
In this course, students will learn how to improve their skills in speaking Arabic with the right pronunciation.
JOUR109-FP10 Western Journalistic Writing Workshop I
Western Journalistic Writing Workshop I
2 Credits
The objective of this course to improve the students’ press writing skills in French and English languages, with emphasis on interview genres and reports.
JOUR114-FP10 TV Programs
TV Programs
3 Credits
In this course, students will learn first, how to assess TV programs’ rubrics, and how to build appropriate ones based on international standards. They will also design, produce, and present their TV show after a semester of training for TV presentation.
TRAD102-FC10 Translation II
Translation II
2 Credits
In this course, students will improve their skills in translation for the media field.
JOUR113-FP10 Arabic Journalistic Writing Workshop I
Arabic Journalistic Writing Workshop I
2 Credits
The objective of this course is to practice press-writing techniques, based on the latest approaches with an emphasis on interviews and reports in Arabic.
COMM111-FC00 Politics and Mass media
Politics and Mass media
2 Credits
The objective of this course is to give the students an overview of the field of Political communication and examine the relationship between Media, Politics, and Public opinion. Topics to be covered include the principles, strategies, and practices of Political Campaign Communications and new communication strategies.
JOUR117-AC00 Emission Radio
Emission Radio
2 Credits
The objective of this course is to design, produce, and present a Radio broadcast based on the latest techniques as well as the digital ones taking into consideration the radio audience.
JOUR120-AP00 Digital (or online) Journalism
Digital (or online) Journalism
2 Credits
The objective of this course is to improve students’ skills for daily websites work in an informative and timely manner.
JOUR116-FC00 Research methodology
Research methodology
2 Credits
In this course, students will learn the necessary knowledge and understanding of key areas of investigative journalism. They will produce an investigative report respecting the rules of ethics in research.
JOUR119-FP10 Western Journalistic Writing Workshop II
Western Journalistic Writing Workshop II
2 Credits
The objective of this course is to improve the students’ press writing skills, with an emphasis on investigative reports and digital content in French and English.
JOUR115-AP10 News TV / Radio II
News TV / Radio II
3 Credits
In this course, students will produce a TV news show, including all kinds of content, from reporting to live coverage.
CULT104-FC10 General Culture II
General Culture II
1 Credits
In this course, students will improve their knowledge in arts, cinema, music, and technology in a challenging way to widen their culture.
COMM105-AP10 Arabic Diction II
Arabic Diction II
2 Credits
In this course, students will develop more skills in speaking Arabic with the right pronunciation.
JOUR123-FC00 Documentary
2 Credits
The objective of this course is to produce a documentary from the design to the scriptwriting, shooting, and final editing, based on theoretical techniques and approaches.
JOUR121-FP10 Web TV
Web TV
2 Credits
In this course, students will produce a coherent content for an internet-based television network, beginning with the initial idea and moving to the upload with a creative approach.
JOUR124-FC00 Media News Analysis
Media News Analysis
2 Credits
The objective of this course is to compare and analyze the different media content based on political and economic data that students learn to collect.
JOUR122-AP10 Arabic Journalistic Writing Workshop II
Arabic Journalistic Writing Workshop II
3 Credits
The objective of this course is to produce a school journal (printed and digital), including the different journalistic genres, such as articles, short stories, interviews, portraits, reports, and investigative reports.
STAP102-FS00 Professional Internship
COMM110-FP00 Digital Communication
Digital Communication
3 Credits
In this course, students will plan, design, and implement a website using current standards and best practices. They will also learn how to manage different new media platforms.
TMON 106-FP00 Sound and Mixing Techniques
Sound and Mixing Techniques
TMON 106-FP00
3 Credits
The objective of this course is to train students for the best use of sound techniques and audiovisual mixing as tools for their audiovisual productions.