BS in Nursing Sciences | Antonine University


BS in Nursing Sciences


  • 105Credits
  • 3Duration of the program
  • $110Price
Official Name of the Program Bachelor of Science in Nursing Sciences
Official Degree Level Bachelor of Science
Price $110 – Bridging Program (TS and BS): $2000
Campuses Availability Hadat–Baabda; Mejdlaya–Zgharta

Program Objectives

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing Science program adopts a comprehensive approach encompassing both theory and practice. It equips students with the necessary skills to address the health needs of individuals in both family and community settings. The program aims to foster the development of students’ ethical, organizational, relational, and technical competencies.


The Bachelor of Nursing Sciences is designed for French-speaking students who hold a Lebanese Baccalaureate Degree or its equivalent. Admission requirements include:

  • Oral interview
  • French Placement Test

A minimum French language proficiency of level B1.1 is required. Depending on the results of the entrance exams, students may need to undertake remedial French language courses in addition to the regular curriculum (+3 credits).

Note: Candidates who have obtained the Technical Baccalaureate are eligible for admission. However, they must first validate the following courses (12 credits): Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

In accordance with Decree No. 8590 dated September 8, 2012, regarding the transition from the Higher Technical Diploma (TS) to the Academic Bachelor, candidates holding a TS Diploma in Nursing who have achieved a score of 12/20 in the Official Exam may be admitted to the TS-Bachelor Bridging Program.

Teaching Methods

The Department of Nursing Sciences (DNS) employs student-centered teaching methods. These methods, which are not limited to the following list, enable students to utilize the knowledge provided by instructors to achieve the learning outcomes outlined in the teaching unit syllabus. The teaching methods adopted include:

  • Brainstorming
  • Interactive lectures and teaching
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Scenarios
  • Teamwork
  • Individual work and projects
  • Role-playing games
  • Demonstrations
  • Simulations
  • Case studies
  • Class discussions
  • Clinical teaching (including laboratory and field training in real-life situations)
  • Practicums
  • End-of-studies thesis (3 credits)
Evaluation Process

Depending on the types of courses offered and based on evaluative components, the system for evaluating students’ achievement of course learning outcomes is structured as follows:

  • Lecture courses, which primarily involve theoretical teaching through lectures, are evaluated based on 4 components, with each component carrying a specific weightage:
    - Component 1 (20%): Continuous evaluation, which includes class activities, tests, assignments, oral presentations, etc.;
    - Component 2 (20%): Test 1, conducted during a mid-semester teaching session;
    - Component 3 (20%): Test 2, conducted during a mid-semester teaching session;
    - Component 4 (40%): Final exam;
    - Additionally, there is a thesis defense in front of the jury.
  • Clinical training consists of internships assessed by the supervising instructor using the following components:
    - Component 1 (25%): Evaluation based on the internship assessment grid;
    - Component 2 (25%): Evaluation of the internship report;
    - Component 3 (50%): Summative evaluation of the learning outcomes achieved during the internship.


The passing grade for all undergraduate courses is set at 60/100.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Upon completion of the undergraduate program in nursing sciences, students will have acquired the following learning outcomes:

  • identify the health needs of individuals, families, and communities;
  • provide healthcare services and interventions;
  • communicate effectively at educational, relational, and functional levels;
  • demonstrate clinical judgment in developing care plans based on a specific scientific approach;
  • exhibit the ability to work effectively as part of a group, demonstrating active listening, flexibility, and communication skills;
  • analyze clinical situations according to international recommendations and quality standards for nursing practice;
  • prove an ethical and professional attitude in their practice.
Job Prospects

Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Sciences program can pursue various positions of responsibility in the administration of nursing care in both hospital and out-of-hospital settings. The program prepares students for employment opportunities in the following areas:

  • Hospital Settings:
    - Internal medicine departments (hematology, endocrinology, pneumology, nephrology, etc.)
    - Surgery departments (digestive and abdominal, cardiovascular, orthopedic, urological, etc.)
    - Neonatology and pediatrics units
    - Maternity wards
    - Intensive care units
    - Medical and technical departments (emergency, operating rooms, medical imaging, catheterization, radiotherapy, etc.)
  • Out-of-hospital Settings:
    - Medical and social centers
    - Schools
    - Centers for the elderly
    - Nurseries
    - Insurance companies

Program Structure

General Requirements

Code Course Credits
TCEO 101-FC10 Written and Oral Communication
Written and Oral Communication
TCEO 101-FC10
3 Credits

This course is designed to help intermediate French-speaking students (levels B1.1 and B1.2) develop the necessary skills to excel in university assignments. It provides students with the opportunity to plan, write, and present various tasks, such as composing emails or formal requests, taking notes, summarizing information, delivering presentations, and writing reports.

ETHI 701-FC00 Bioethics, Deontology, and Legislation
Bioethics, Deontology, and Legislation
ETHI 701-FC00
3 Credits

This course aims to provide students with a better understanding of the ethical issues related to the development and use of biomedical technology. The goal is to give students a comprehensive understanding of labor and social security law from both theoretical and practical perspectives.

OSAP 101-FC00 Learning Support Tools
Learning Support Tools
OSAP 101-FC00
3 Credits

This course focuses on developing proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, including Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. Students will learn to distinguish between literature searches and scientific searches, adhere to American Psychological Association (APA) standards for scientific writing, and critically evaluate publications’ components to support nursing education.

Additionally, the course covers fundamental techniques for data collection, research report generation, and article writing.

SCOP 202-AC00 Citizenship and Society
Citizenship and Society
SCOP 202-AC00
3 Credits

The purpose of this course is to enhance students’ comprehension of the ethical and moral foundations that shape civic engagement and citizenship. Through team discussions and project presentations, students will explore contemporary issues, referencing the Constitution and international laws, to identify key areas and strategies concerning legal citizenship, diversity, and pluralism.

Faculty Requirements

Code Course Credits
SFON 101-FC00 Fundamentals of Biomedical Science
Fundamentals of Biomedical Science
SFON 101-FC00
2 Credits

This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the basic principles of chemistry, biochemistry, and biophysics. These principles are essential for successful completion of the University curriculum.

BIOL 101-FC00 Biology and Microbiology
Biology and Microbiology
BIOL 101-FC00
3 Credits

This course provides an overview of biomolecules, which are chemical components involved in living organisms. It covers the molecular and cellular organization of living organisms, serving constitutes an essential basis for an introduction to the major concepts in biology, such as cell biology, genetics, diversity of the living world (classification and evolution), physiology, human anatomy, and histology.

By the end of this course, students will be able to identify bacteria, germs, and parasites, as well as the different immunological responses of the body.

ANAT 101-FC00 Anatomy and Physiology I
Anatomy and Physiology I
ANAT 101-FC00
3 Credits

By the end of this course, students will be able to accurately identify and describe the anatomical and physiological structures of the cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, and integumentary (skin and skin appendages) systems, as well as sense organs.

ANAT 102-FC00 Anatomy and Physiology II
Anatomy and Physiology II
ANAT 102-FC00
3 Credits

By the end of this course, students will be able to accurately identify and describe the anatomical and physiological structures of the nervous, locomotor, skeletal, muscular, articular, endocrine, digestive, urinary, reproductive, and immune systems.

STAT 101-FC00 Statistics and Epidemiology
Statistics and Epidemiology
STAT 101-FC00
2 Credits

By the end of this course, students will have acquired essential knowledge in understanding epidemiological studies, descriptive and correlational statistics, linear regression, and inferential statistics. They will also be able to read, interpret, and analyze the selection and outcomes of statistical tests used in scientific literature.

This course serves as an introduction to epidemiology and statistics. Additionally, students will gain proficiency in utilizing specific computer tools such as Excel spreadsheets and SPSS software for data processing.

PHAR 101-FC00 Pharmacology
PHAR 101-FC00
2 Credits

This course aims to enable students to comprehensively explain the primary pharmacokinetic properties and pharmacological effects of various drug classes used in the treatment of different diseases.

PATH 101-FC00 General and Special Pathologies I
General and Special Pathologies I
PATH 101-FC00
3 Credits

This course aims to empower students to make meaningful contributions to the prevention of cardiovascular, respiratory, and otorhinolaryngology (ORL) diseases. Additionally, students will acquire theoretical knowledge and develop the ability to recognize and respond to extreme emergency procedures in resuscitation.

PATH 102-FC00 General and Special Pathologies II
General and Special Pathologies II
PATH 102-FC00
3 Credits

By the end of this course, students will have acquired knowledge pertaining to the dysfunction of the digestive and urinary systems. They will be able to recognize the signs, symptoms, and complications associated with each disease, as well as develop a necessary therapeutic approach.

PATH 103-FC00 General and Special Pathologies III
General and Special Pathologies III
PATH 103-FC00
2 Credits

This course aims to prepare students to recognize health problems in hematology-oncology and develop the necessary skills for a therapeutic approach. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: apply appropriate care for hematology-oncology patients; safely administer blood transfusions; recognize and respond to transfusion accidents; practice oncology care, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

PATH 104-FC00 General and Special Pathologies IV
General and Special Pathologies IV
PATH 104-FC00
2 Credits

By the end of this course, students will have acquired knowledge pertaining to nervous system, orthopedic and rheumatologic pathologies, which are essential for providing care to patients affected by these conditions.

SECO 101-FC00 First Aid
First Aid
SECO 101-FC00
3 Credits

This course equips students with theoretical and technical knowledge to deliver primary care in emergency situations. Students will learn how to apply first aid techniques effectively and prevent the onset of shock, which can impact the victims’ nervous and circulatory systems.

Common Core Courses

Code Course Credits
RAID 101-FC00 Relationship in Nursing care
Relationship in Nursing care
RAID 101-FC00
3 Credits
By the end of this course, students will have acquired knowledge about the characteristics of the aid relationship and palliative care. This course will enable students to identify end-of-life patient care, growth of the spirit and spiritual life, pain, and pain management from a relational model applicable to the nursing caregiving context.
EXCL 101-FC00 Clinical Assessment
Clinical Assessment
EXCL 101-FC00
2 Credits

By the end of this course, students will be able to effectively describe the components of a clinical examination, demonstrate diagnostic reasoning skills, identify types of clinical examinations, apply the PQRST method in history taking, describe common observations obtained through the clinical examination of various body systems, and accurately record relevant data in patient files.

PATH 105-FC00 General and Special Pathologies in Gynecology, Perinatal, and Pediatrics
General and Special Pathologies in Gynecology, Perinatal, and Pediatrics
PATH 105-FC00
3 Credits

This course aims to develop students’ professional knowledge and attitudes to effectively address various gynecological diseases. Additionally, the course will provide knowledge in the field of pediatrics, focusing on the pathologies commonly encountered from birth to adolescence.

MSOI 111-FC00 Methodology and Practice of Basic Care I
Methodology and Practice of Basic Care I
MSOI 111-FC00
4 Credits

By the end of this course, students will have the ability to explain the basic knowledge associated with providing fundamental nursing care. This will be achieved through theoretical learning in the classroom and practical application in laboratory settings. Students will develop initial proficiency in clinical, technical, and relational skills, along with cultivating professional attitudes. Additionally, students will begin to engage in reflective practices to enhance their professional growth and practice.

MSOI 102-FC00 Methodology and Practice of Basic Care II
Methodology and Practice of Basic Care II
MSOI 102-FC00
3 Credits

This course is designed to allow students to apply their basic knowledge of different procedures and technical approaches to care in a training environment. It focuses on the practical application of nursing practice in healthcare institutions. The course includes both theoretical and practical training in general nursing care.

As part of the course requirements, students are required to complete a basic nursing practicum in the medicine and surgery units. The practicum consists of 135 hours of training (Phase 1) during the second semester, followed by an additional 90 hours of training (Phase 2) during the summer of the first academic year. These internships provide students with hands-on training in various healthcare settings, including hospitals and non-hospital facilities. The aim is to help them develop their personal, relational, and technical skills through practical experiences in real-world healthcare settings.

MSOI 104-FC00 Methodology and Practice of Specialized Nursing Care I
Methodology and Practice of Specialized Nursing Care I
MSOI 104-FC00
3 Credits

Upon completion of this course, students will demonstrate proficiency in technical skills, interpersonal communication, organizational abilities, and professional attitudes necessary for providing cardiopulmonary nursing care.

To successfully complete this course, students are required to undertake a 90-hour internship in various healthcare unites, including medical, cardiology, ear, nose, and throat (ENT), as well as intensive care units, during the first semester of the second year.

MSOI 105-FC00 Methodology and Practice of Specialized Nursing Care II
Methodology and Practice of Specialized Nursing Care II
MSOI 105-FC00
3 Credits

By the end of this course, students will have acquired clinical, technical, and relational skills required for providing care to adults or elderly individuals with digestive, urological, and nephrology disorders.

To successfully complete this course, students are required to complete a 135-hour internship in the general surgery and specialty urinary surgery units, specifically in the areas of dialysis and the operating room, during the first semester of the second year.

MSOI 107-FC00 Methodology and Practice in Specialized Nursing Care III
Methodology and Practice in Specialized Nursing Care III
MSOI 107-FC00
3 Credits

This course is designed to enable students to develop the necessary technical skills and professional attitudes in managing major endocrine disorders, reviewing significant nutritional problems and their consequences, as well as understanding methods of diagnosing these issues.

To successfully complete this course, students are required to complete a 90-hour internship in the medicine and hematology/oncology units, during the second semester of the second year.

MSOI 109-FC00 Methodology and Practice in Specialized Nursing Care IV
Methodology and Practice in Specialized Nursing Care IV
MSOI 109-FC00
3 Credits

By the end of this course, students will be able to apply nursing knowledge and skills in the care of patients with nervous system disorders and orthopedic pathologies.

To successfully complete this course, students are required to undergo an internship in the neurology, orthopedic, intensive care, and emergency units. Divided in 2 phases, each consisting of 135 hours, this practical training takes place in a hospital setting and aims to help students develop their personal, technical, and organizational skills in providing specialized nursing care.

MSOI 106-FC00 Methodology and Practice of Critical Care
Methodology and Practice of Critical Care
MSOI 106-FC00
2 Credits

By the end of this course, students will have acquired knowledge of invasive measures in resuscitation, including central venous pressure monitoring and artificial ventilation. They will also gain understanding of the triage principle and various medical emergencies. This course will enable students to provide emergency care while prioritizing patient needs.

To successfully complete this course, students are required to undergo a 90-hour internship in the emergency, intensive care, cardiology, and resuscitation units, during the first semester of the second year.

MSOI 110-FC00 Methodology and Practice of Psychiatric Care
Methodology and Practice of Psychiatric Care
MSOI 110-FC00
3 Credits

This course focuses on providing students with the skills to recognize and differentiate the signs and symptoms of psychiatric illnesses, observe their manifestations, understand the causes of addiction, and identify disorders associated with the use of psychoactive substances. Additionally, students will learn strategies for individualized care aimed at restoring and promoting mental health.

To successfully complete this course, students are required to undergo a 90-hour internship in psychiatric units.

MSOI 112-FC00 Methodology and Practice of Nursing Care in Gynecology, Perinatal, and Pediatrics
Methodology and Practice of Nursing Care in Gynecology, Perinatal, and Pediatrics
MSOI 112-FC00
3 Credits

This course aims to provide students with scientific knowledge and relational skills in the field of obstetrics. By the end of the course, they will be able to develop technical, relational, and organizational skills, as well as professional attitudes necessary for active participation in multidisciplinary teamwork with parturients and their newborns.

The course will also cover topics related to neonatology, including an overview of premature babies and the role of the nurse in this unit.

To successfully complete this course, students are required to undergo a 90-hour internship in the gynecological-obstetrics, pediatrics, and neonatology settings.

MSOI 103-FC00 Methodology and Practice in Community Health Care
Methodology and Practice in Community Health Care
MSOI 103-FC00
3 Credits

This course focuses on providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary for community health care and health promotion. By the end of the course, students will have developed technical, interpersonal, educational, and organizational skills, as well as professional attitudes, needed for planning and implementing health initiatives at various levels: individual, organizational, community, and societal.

The course also includes an exploration of the roles of nurses in school settings and provides an understanding of the sociological aspects of healthcare.

To successfully complete this course, students are required to undergo a 90-hour internship in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), medical social centers, nurseries, and schools.

MSOI 108-FC00 Methodology and Practice of Care for the Elderly
Methodology and Practice of Care for the Elderly
MSOI 108-FC00
2 Credits

This course covers the basic notions of gerontology and geriatrics. It aims to helps students develop technical, relational, and organizational skills, as well as professional attitudes to meet the unique needs of the elderly population.

To successfully complete this course, students are required to undergo a 60-hour internship in an institution for the elderly.

MRCH 601-FC00 Research Process in Nursing
Research Process in Nursing
MRCH 601-FC00
3 Credits

By the end of this course, students will be able to design a methodologically sound research project related to a previously identified problem through lectures, pre-reading, classroom activities, assignments, and a rapid analysis of research articles. This course also aims to familiarize students with the objects, methods, and challenges of nursing research, guiding them through the steps of the research process and fostering the development of critical thinking skills.

PLSO 101-FC00 Care Planning
Care Planning
PLSO 101-FC00
3 Credits

By the end of this course, students will be able to describe the conceptual model of Virginia Henderson’s 14 needs and establish a methodology to facilitate the integration of the individualized care approach in health care institutions. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical and practical foundations of the nursing profession, enabling students to develop fundamental concepts, attitudes, and skills necessary for nursing practice.

This course is divided into 3 parts. The first part focuses on Virginia Henderson’s 14 needs model and introduces a methodology for integrating the individualized care approach into health care institutions. The second part covers the steps of the scientific approach to nursing care required in the practice of nursing. The third part explores the educational role of nursing, including knowledge related to various procedures and approaches to health education. It emphasizes the importance of teaching, preserving, maintaining, and enhancing the individual’s capacity to cope with health challenges.

SFAM 101-FC00 Family Healthcare and Nursing Practice
Family Healthcare and Nursing Practice
SFAM 101-FC00
2 Credits

By the end of this course, students will be able to analyze the manifestations of health and disease within a family system perspective using a conceptual framework. This course will equip students with the skills to assess family dynamics in the context of a health problem impacting one of the family members. Students will also learn to identify caring strategies while considering the family as an essential element in the intervention process.

PSYC 501-FC00 Fundamentals of Psychology in Nursing Care
Fundamentals of Psychology in Nursing Care
PSYC 501-FC00
3 Credits

By the end of this course, students will be able to recognize the principles of behavioral, psychoanalytical, humanistic, and cognitive approaches in general psychology. They will also gain an understanding of the psychological development of individuals across the lifespan, from conception to old age, and become proficient in major psychological frameworks that explain human behavior.

This course delves into the application psychological principles in nursing care, focusing on the students’ relationship with individuals within the context of their duties. It also provides a psychological perspective on caring for individuals with physical and mental disabilities.

GSOI 101-FC00 Introduction to Healthcare Management and Leadership
Introduction to Healthcare Management and Leadership
GSOI 101-FC00
3 Credits

This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage a healthcare unit using management principles. Students will gain an understanding of the factors that influence nursing care and learn how to carry out their responsibilities using effective methodologies. The course prepares and guides nursing students in developing different styles of management and leadership in professional healthcare settings.

The course covers the fundamental principles of administrative management and explores the functions of administration, including planning, directing, organizing, and evaluating. Through simulations and interactive exchanges, students will have opportunities to acquire new management skills and develop their roles as leaders, emphasizing effective communication skills.

To successfully complete this course, students are required to undergo a 90-hour internship in nursing offices and with supervisors, which can help them familiarize themselves with the administrative management carried out by nurse directors and supervisors.

DINF 101-FC00 Nursing Discipline
Nursing Discipline
DINF 101-FC00
3 Credits

This course aims to enable students to identify the diverse theoretical foundations of the nursing discipline that contextualize and interconnect the central concepts of nursing, including person, health, care, and environment from the perspective of major schools of thought that have influenced the evolution of these nursing concepts over time. The course explores the elements of nursing knowledge and their practical applications in nursing expertise and practice.

ANTH 102-FC00 Anthropology
ANTH 102-FC00
2 Credits

This course explores the origin and evolution of the human species. Students will develop critical thinking skills to examine the boundary between nature and culture, innate and acquired aspects of human existence. Additionally, the course focuses on developing relational and communication skills, particularly in caregiving roles, while emphasizing professional attitudes informed by the anthropology of disease.

MEMO 201-FM30 Graduation Thesis
Graduation Thesis
MEMO 201-FM30
3 Credits
Prerequisites: MRCH 601-FC00 Statistics and Epidemiology; STAT 101-FC00 Statistics and Epidemiology

This is the final year project on a topic of professional interest.

Students will be required to prepare a research thesis based on a specific phenomenon within the field of nursing sciences. The research project will showcase the students’ proficiency in the research process and scientific writing, emphasizing their ability to synthesize information and engage in critical analysis. Through this project, students will demonstrate their acquired theoretical knowledge and evidence related to the chosen subject of study, employing a scientific research approach.
STAP 503-FS00 Internship of Professional Integration
Internship of Professional Integration
STAP 503-FS00
3 Credits

Students will be required to complete a 180-hour internship at the end of their academic program in a care unit of their choice. As students assume the responsibilities and duties of a nurse, this internship provides an internship to: organize activities and provide care for patients throughout their hospitalization and during the discharge process, assist individuals in performing daily care tasks, initiate and implement diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, and communicate effectively and establish relationships within the specific care context.