MS in Nursing Sciences | Antonine University


MS in Nursing Sciences


  • 39Credits
  • 2Duration of the program
  • $165Price
Official Name of the Program Master of Science in Nursing Sciences
Official Degree Level Master of Science
Price/Credit $165
Campuses Availability Hadat–Baabda

Program Objectives

The Master of Science in Nursing Science program provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to:

  • make an active contribution to nursing science;
  • increase intellectual skills for transferring theoretical knowledge promote nursing practice adapted to constantly evolving health services;
  • strengthen intellectual capacities for analysis, synthesis, and critical judgment; and
  • improve the quality of nursing care in a variety of practice environments.

The Master of Science in Nursing Sciences program is intended for students with a Bachelor degree in Nursing Sciences. Eligibility is confirmed after an oral interview and a study of students’ academic record.


Teaching Methods

Teaching methods at the Department of Nursing Sciences are student-centered. Through the different methods in this non-exhaustive list, students mobilize the knowledge provided by the teacher to achieve the learning outcomes defined in the syllabus of the teaching unit. The teaching methods adopted are the following:

  • PowerPoint-Based Lectures.
  • Workshops.
  • Controlled personal work.
  • Interactive teaching.
  • Role-playing.
  • Case studies.
  • Group discussions.
  • Research.


Evaluation Process

Depending on the types of courses given and based on evaluative components, the system for assessing student’s achievement of course learning outcomes is set as follows:

  • Component 1, endowed with 30%: continuous evaluation (classroom activities, tests, assignments, oral presentations, group work, etc.);
  • Component 2, with 30%: Knowledge Test (anonymous test taken during a mid-term teaching session);
  • Component 3, with 40%: Project or final exam; and
  • Defense before a Jury for Memorandum;

The passing grade for all graduate courses is set at 70/100.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Upon the completion of the Master program, students will be able to:

  • deepen knowledge of the theoretical foundations of nursing research in relation to evidence-based outcomes;
  • develop analysis and synthesis skills in different care situations;
  • exercise clinical judgment aimed at continuous improvement of the quality of care in accordance with ethical values;
  • assume professional leadership within the team; and
  • contribute to the development of nursing practice, management, research, and education.


Job Prospects

This program allows students to develop expertise in nursing practice, to acquire nursing research skills, and to promote leadership from an ethical perspective.

Program Structure

Mandatory Courses

Code Course Credits
DINF 207-FC00 Scientific Writing
Scientific Writing
DINF 207-FC00
1 Credits
This course allows students to acquire the fundamental and practical bases to write a scientific text with clarity, logic, and coherence, to criticize a scientific article and to respect the standards of the APA Sixth Edition for the presentation of a scientific text (references, bibliography, table of contents, etc.)
STAT 103-FC00 Biostatistics
MRCH 608-FP00 Quantitative Methods
ETHI 602-FC00 Ethics and Health
MRCH 607-FP00 Advanced Research Process
MRCH 609-FP00 Qualitative Methods
DINF 205-FC00 Nursing Discipline and Theoretical Perspectives
QUAL 202-FC00 Quality Care Management
SFAM 202-FC00 Family Healthcare and Advanced Nursing Practice
Family Healthcare and Advanced Nursing Practice
SFAM 202-FC00
3 Credits
This course is designed to provide students with clinical skills in family nursing. Analysis and comparison of concepts and theoretical frameworks related to family health. Analysis of the interaction between health problems and the family. Analysis and synthesis of data collected during a family interview.
SCOM 204-FC00 Health Promotion
MEMO 602-FM00 Thesis
Elective courses

Code Course Credits
DINF 206-FC00 Human and Material Resources Management
SCOM 206-FC00 Health Education: Research and Intervention
Health Education: Research and Intervention
SCOM 206-FC00
3 Credits
This course is designed to train students in the use of theoretical foundations and research findings for planning, implementing and evaluating a health education program in a clinical or community setting, and the development of a health education program plan.
EXCL 104-FC00 Advanced Clinical Assessment
SCOM 205-FC00 Health Services Organization
Health Services Organization
SCOM 205-FC00
3 Credits
This course deals in depth with the organization of health care services in three main areas: - The macro area, which deals with the determinants of the major characteristics of the organization of services and the impacts of the organization on the fundamental objectives pursued by health care systems. - The meso area, which deals with the major programs, put in place to ensure the new service delivery practices advocated. - The micro area, which deals with professional practices and the relationship between the patient and the provider.