The Department of Nursing Sciences (DNS) is proud of its partnerships, which offer various opportunities for UA students, such as professional training, internships, and jobs.
Local Partners
- Lebanese Order of Nurses
- Ministry of Education and Higher Education (Colloquium)
Hadat–Baabda Campus
- Sacred Heart Hospital
- Saint Charles Hospital
- Levant Clinic (CDL)
- Mount Lebanon Hospital University Medical Center (MLH UMC)
- Saint George Hospital University Medical Center
- Lebanese Hospital Geitaoui University Medical Center (LHG-UMC)
- Baabda Governmental University Hospital (BUH)
- Bellevue Medical Center (BMC)
- Psychiatric Hospital of the Cross
- Saint Joseph Hospital
- Hayek Hospital
- Centre Renée Wehbé Pour Le Vieillard Malade
- Maison Notre-Dame for the Elderly
- Foyer Saint Georges (FSG)
- Society for Inclusion and Development in Communities and Care for All (SIDC)
- The Sovereign Order of Malta
- Antonine Fathers’ School
- Sagesse High School
- Ombael Nursery
- Les Calinous Nursery
- Les Minus Nursery
- Orthodox Youth Movement (MJO)
- AgeOptimum – Le Centre de Réadaptation Gériatrique
Mejdlaya–Zgharta Campus
- Saydet Zgharta University Medical Center (SZUMC)
- Albert Haykel Hospital
- North Hospital Center
- Family Medical Center (FMC)
- The Sovereign Order of Malta
- Daughters of Charity School (Dar En-Nour)
- Dede’s Daycare
- Milad Al-Ghazal Moawad Charitable Foundation
International Partners
The DNS has set up a double diploma agreement in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Sciences program with the University College Léonard de Vinci (HE Vinci) – Brussels, Belgium, associated with the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) – Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
This double diploma agreement allows UA students to obtain a Belgian diploma from HE Vinci, which enables free mobility in Belgium and Europe. Students from HE Vinci will also obtain a UA diploma through mobility to Lebanon.
Our partnership with HE Vinci in Brussels allows UA students to continue their specialization in the following fields:
- Geriatrics
- Pediatrics
- SIAMU (Soins Intensifs et Aide Médicale Urgente)
- Psychiatry