Message from the Dean | Antonine University


Message from the Dean

In accordance with the mission of Antonine University (UA) and the values it promotes, the Faculty of Music and Musicology (FMM) of the UA is committed to:
  • providing quality education to students who are interested in the musical professions or to incorporating a robust musical dimension, into the knowledge, practice, teaching, therapeutic, or technical use of the musical traditions of Mašriq and Europe;
  • developing an appropriate, creative, and in-depth scientific knowledge based on the musical traditions of the East and the Mediterranean; and
  • profiting society from this knowledge and know-how, through concerts, publications, dissemination activities (including through technological media coverage,) and various types of teaching (including general school education and vocational music education.)

The FMM offers aspiring students and musicians to be with musical predispositions on both the Hadat–Baabda Campus and Mejdlaya–Zgharta Campus.

The faculty also offers them a wide range of programs and concentration to not limit their creativity and abilities. These programs include:
  • The study of early Musical Traditions.
  • The concentrations of education (Music Education Sciences.)
  • The inclusion of music in health care (Music Therapy.)
  • The relation of music and information technology with production structures (Music, Technology, and Media.)
  • Musicological research (General Musicology of Traditions.)
  • Artistic practice and creation (Arabic and European Art Music, with a focus on Baroque music, within the UA Centre for Early Music.)

After completing the program of their choosing, students gain a Bachelor of Arts in Music and Musicology, a teaching diploma, or Master’s degrees (Master 1 and Master 2) in Music and Musicology, which guarantee graduates professional opportunities.

Notably, because of the compliance of these programs with international quality assurance standards, the European Agency Music Quality Enhancement (MusiQuE) has officially issued its programmatic accreditation to the FMM, during the summer of 2020, which makes the Faculty of Music and Musicology at UA the first accredited academic musical institution in the Arab world.

Because of the dedicated work of the Centre for Research on Musical Traditions (CRTM) of the FMM and its national and international partnerships; the FMM contributes to the development of knowledge by producing two peer-reviewed journals: La Revue des Traditions Musicales (RTM, published in French and English) and the Arabic Journal of Music Education Sciences (published in Arabic).

The Faculty of Music and Musicology is truly a pioneer in teaching and research musicology in Lebanon and the Arab World.

Prof. Nidaa Abou Mrad