Teaching Diploma in Physical Education and Sport | Antonine University


Teaching Diploma in Physical Education and Sport


  • 24Credits
  • 1Duration of the program
  • $170Price
Official Name of the Program Teaching Diploma in Physical Education and Sport
Official Degree Level Diploma in Physical Education and Sport.
Price/Credit $170
Campuses Availability Hadat–Baabda; Nabi Ayla–Zahlé

Program Objectives

The teaching diploma program aims to prepare physical education teachers at different school levels. This program covers different teaching sciences such as didactics, teaching methods and evaluation, and psychology. In addition to passing all theoretical courses, students must fulfill 160 hours of internship, followed by a project to obtain their diploma.

The program allows students to teach physical education in elementary and secondary levels as well as to lead and train different school sports teams. Because of the diversity of the program courses, students learn how to organize and coordinate physical education school offices. 


Students wishing to enroll in this program must hold a Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education and Sport.

Assessment Methods

Depending on the types of courses given and based on evaluative components the system for assessing student’s achievement of course learning outcomes, is set as follows:

  • The knowledge acquired by the student in theoretical courses is evaluated in a written evaluation, a project, continuous evaluation, and a final exam.
    Theoretical courses grade division:
    • 40% final exam
    • 20% test 1
    • 20% test 2
    • 10% project
    • 10% continuous evaluation
  • The knowledge acquired by the student in practical courses is evaluated based on the student’s capacity, pedagogical aspect, and continuous evaluation.


Practical courses grade division:

  • 70% Capacities
  • 20% Pedagogical aspect
  • 10% continuous evaluation

The grade required for the successful completion of the program is set at 12/20. The final grade is the added total of the written evaluation score and that of a project. Graduation requires 160 hours of internship in a school setting, and the students must defend an internship report at the end of the program.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

After obtaining the Teaching Diploma in Physical Education and Sport, the diploma holders will be able to:

  • transmit ethical values and social values through practicing different jobs in the field of sports;
  • work in a group as well as work individually in several projects whether at school or in sports’ institutions;
  • communicate easily in the French or English language (based on the program chosen) both orally and in the written form;
  • use digital referencing tools and security rules to acquire, process, produce, and spread information as well as better organize, plan, and evaluate their tasks;
  • identify and apply the different pedagogical techniques when teaching sports at school; and
  • to locate the normal and pathological aspect of the students’ behavior.


Job Prospects

The Teaching Diploma in Physical Education and Sport prepares the student for various positions such as:

  • Physical education and sport teachers.
  • School teams’ coaches.
  • Physical education and sport office coordinators.
  • Sport animators.


Program Structure

University Courses

Code Course Credits
ENSS 101-EC00 Learning difficulties and disabilities
Learning difficulties and disabilities
ENSS 101-EC00
3 Credits
This 3 credits course of 45 hours, will help students know the difference between learning difficulties and disabilities. The students will understand the main disabilities, their causes and treatments. The course covers most common (SLD's) from ADHD to dyslexia, dysphasia, dyscalculia.
ENSS 102-EC00 Evolution of educational pedagogy
Evolution of educational pedagogy
ENSS 102-EC00
3 Credits
In our educational institutions, we strive to implement effective teaching that suits the age of our students and the requirements of our discipline. We also try to implement dynamic, challenging strategies that correspond to modern trends in education. If, on one hand, we frequently explore the opportunities, benefits and even the difficulties, often we ignore the other hand, their exact origin and to whom we owe these currents that marked educational thought with the original roots. This 3 credits course of 45 hours will explore the evolution of the educational pedagogy.
PSYC 101-EC00 General Psychology
General Psychology
PSYC 101-EC00
3 Credits
This 3 credits course of 45 hours will introduce students to the major themes of psychology, the multiplicity of theoretical approaches, and different methods and practices specific to the discipline. This course is for non-psychologists students wishing to supplement their knowledge of psychology to the exercise of their profession of sports instruction.
ENSS 103-EC00 Pathways to teaching skills
Pathways to teaching skills
ENSS 103-EC00
3 Credits
Psychologists and teachers use a range of principles and theories, all of which view the person and the study of the person in very different ways. This 3 credits course (45 hours) introduces and outlines main approaches to teaching and considers how each has helped.
ENSS 104-EC00 Learning Theories
Learning Theories
ENSS 104-EC00
3 Credits
This 3 credits course of 45 hours will define the notion of didactic and pedagogy in the acquisition of academic and social learning in everyday life. It will describe the different aspects and processes of learning. The transmission process has become guarantor of the survival of our culture and our society itself.
ENSS 106-EC00 Evaluation and project methods in physical education
Evaluation and project methods in physical education
ENSS 106-EC00
3 Credits
The PE project is a document that clearly shows the PE objectives and the strategies used in order to reach those goals. Different parts that constitute this document will identify the relation between the PE project and the schools project. This 3 credits course of 45 hours will also show the importance of assessment and evaluation in PE.
ENSS 105-EC00 Physical education didactics
Physical education didactics
ENSS 105-EC00
3 Credits
This 3 credits course of 45 hours describes strategies for teaching physical education and sports from kindergarten till secondary grades. Didactics methods and technics, standards and competencies, planning and programing are among the main topics of this course. American and French PE programs (BO) will be discussed and analyzed in order to get the optimal program that suits our Lebanese schools.
STAP 401-ES10 Internship
STAP 401-ES10
3 Credits
All internships must lead to a written report that aims to present the entire internship completed. This report must be synthetic (from 20 to 30 pages maximum excluding technical annexes). The report must present the work done during the internship and must highlight the achievements and skills acquired. It corresponds to 3 credits of 45 hours.