Depending on the types of courses given and based on evaluative components the system for assessing student’s achievement of course learning outcomes, is set as follows:
- The knowledge acquired by the student in theoretical courses is evaluated in a written evaluation, a project, continuous evaluation, and a final exam.
Theoretical courses grade division:
- 40% final exam
- 20% test 1
- 20% test 2
- 10% project
- 10% continuous evaluation
- The knowledge acquired by the student in practical courses is evaluated based on the student’s capacity, pedagogical aspect, and continuous evaluation.
Practical courses grade division:
- 70% Capacities
- 20% Pedagogical aspect
- 10% continuous evaluation
The grade required for the successful completion of the program is set at 12/20. The final grade is the added total of the written evaluation score and that of a project. Graduation requires 160 hours of internship in a school setting, and the students must defend an internship report at the end of the program.